The Video Games Industry and Dundee

Thu, Sep 27th 2018 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Professor Joseph de Lappe
Lunchtime Talk - 27 Sept 2018

Club members please log in for more information.



I’m an artist, lecturer and a native San Franciscan.  After 23 years directing the Digital Media program at the University of Nevada, I relocated to Dundee in 2017. 

My work in online gaming performance, sculpture and electromechanical installation has been shown all over the world but I am perhaps best known for my art intervention pieces exploring contemporary issues in politics.

My 2006 online gaming protest dead-in-iraq memorialised the name of every service person who died in the Iraq war by typing their names into the US Defense Department’s America's Army online shooter game. 

More recently I developed the concept behind Killbox, an interactive computer game about drone warfare created with the Biome Collective which was recently nominated for a BAFTA Scotland in the Best Computer Game category.

As an artist/activist, I believe it’s essential to engage in and challenge the norms and expectations of the digital present and the larger cultural context by informing, provoking and questioning. 

My work has been shown internationally at galleries, museums, festivals and thru online and real world interventions. I've lectured extensively as well, including a talk presented at the Museum of Modern Art, NYC among many others.

My work has been featured in the New York Times, The Australian Morning Herald and Art in America.  In 2017 I was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, one of the top prizes in the United States for practising artists. For more information regarding my creative work and to access a full vitae, visit my website:

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Usually. a fund-raiser organised solely by the Rotary Club of Dundee to encourage fellowship and raise funds for our own charity.


A few questions about Rotary

Rotarians and VIP guests gather at the Invercarse Hotel to celebrate the Club’s centenary

The Rotary Club of Dundee was founded in 1921 and has recently celebrated its Century of Service


If you’d like to get involved with Rotary, then we'd love to hear from you!

Maxwell Community Garden Project

A little taste of what Community Service do

Presentation to Broughty Ferry Lifeboat station

Fundraising work to provide the funds we need to assist our Communities

RYLA 2022 candidates sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dundee

Youth opportunities in Dundee


International Projects together with supporting our own charity Rotary Foundation

Dundee Rotaract donated this array of provisions to the Dundee Food Insecurity Network

The service, leadership, professional and community service organisation for young men and women .

Civic Reception with Dundee’s Lord Provost to celebrate the Club’s centenary

The Rotary Club of Dundee came into being on May 19, 1921.
