District Conference

Fri, Oct 4th 2024 at 11:00 am- Sun, Oct 6th 2024 - 10:00 am

The 2024 Scarborough conference will take place on Friday 4 and Saturday 5October 2024.

Club members please log in for more information.


A polite reminder that Conference will again be at the Spa Centre in Scarborough

Dates for your diary

Showcase (House of Friendship) opens

Friday 4th October (pm)

Meet with District Teams, Leads and Officers / Rediscover existing projects and seek out potential new ones Catch up with friends / Develop membership ideas / Register for Saturday’s sessions

Enjoy fellowship with your own club members

Full Conference Program

Saturday 5th October

All the above plus:  Full conference program 

Wide range of presentations, information  and entertainment

Rotary in Action - Local and beyond

Fellowship Lunch / Gala Dinner

More information?

At District Assembly (20th April)

Future Bulletins to clubs – ask your President and Secretary for updates

Detailed information and registration instructions out soon


Add the dates to your diary

Book your accommodation

Suggest at your assembly a whole club visit to Conference?

We look forward to seeing you in Scarborough

Malcolm Tagg


07484 820419

Judy HazlehurstContact Judy Hazlehurst about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Balkan trek

Some of the Community and Youth projects we support.


Skipton Rotary & Rotary in general - see who we are and what we do!


Skipton Rotary endeavours to create opportunities for young people through activities that build character & confidence along with new skills in the process. Read all about Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and other competitions.


Becoming a member of Skipton Rotary


Rotary activity throughout the World


Link to District 1040 Website https://ylrotary.org.uk/

SELFA Cycling Proficiency tests

In addition to working within the community, Skipton Rotary also offers grants to local community groups and associations. Read more below and view application forms.
