MERRY-GO- ROUND 21st February 2025
A 3 course meal with each course in a different establishment.
As always you don't know which 3 of the 11 pubs you will be going to for your 3 courses, as you only get your instructions at the Giggleswick School Dining Hall, where the event starts at 6.45pm with a free drink and a chance to buy a raffle ticket. Everybody goes in different directions which makes for complicated planning but a lot of fun on the night as you meet different groups at each place.
In aid of Freda's Playgroup
Tickets £30 - available from any Rotary Member or from the Secretary, David Blackburne, 01729822445 or email
Last year we sold 210 tickets and with a raffle of excellent prizes kindly donated by local businesses we raised over £1800 which the Club uplifted to £2000 for Settle Swimming Pool.