Business Partner Scheme

Opportunities for businesses to partner with us to attain corporate social responsibility achievements.

What is the Business Partner Scheme?

Many businesses want to put something back into the communities they serve through some form of charitable donation. Rotary Clubs have a high profile, respected role in their communities and have established links with groups in need of support.

Our Business Partner Scheme provides a straightforward and effective opportunity for businesses like yours to directly contribute to the projects Rotary supports. You will have the opportunity to direct your contribution to a specific project or to a range. We can also discuss any particular area you may wish to develop with us.  Rotary is one of the very few charities where all of the money raised goes to the causes we support.

What does it mean for you as a Business Partner?

It means that your business would be joining with Rotary in working with deprived communities and helping tackle inequalities. You could choose to focus support in the area your business is located or more widely.

In return for your financial support, the Club would provide publicity in a mutually agreed way.  Your business could participate in club meetings or even join the Club as individuals or through the Rotary Corporate Membership Scheme.

Who is Rotary?

Rotary International is a worldwide organization of 1.4 million people in over 36,000 clubs. Members are committed to taking action to make lasting change in communities locally and globally.  

For more than 110 years, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and sanitation, and fight disease. In addition we now have an added focus of supporting the environment. You can find out more about Rotary International at: 

What is the Rotary e-Club South West Peninsula?

Our new Rotary Club is different from many traditional clubs.  As an e-Club and as the name implies, we operate online. We use Zoom for most of our meetings, although we do meet up occasionally and use apps to communicate on projects. 

Formed in June 2020, members are mostly based in the South West of England.  Our local area of operation covers Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, although as an e-Club we do have access to the whole world.  We have joined fellow Rotarians in various parts of the world to participate in conferences, listen to presentations and to directly communicate with those we support.

Many Rotary Clubs have business partnerships, but we believe that our e-Club offers a much more flexible basis for working with businesses and a broader reach.

What do we do?

Our main objective is to make a lasting difference locally, in the UK and across the world.  Like all Rotary clubs we do this by raising funds and getting involved directly in projects, or sometimes by encouraging members and others to contribute directly through the wide range of opportunities on the internet.

Through a needs based approach and by working with Rotarians in the areas involved we have already supported charitable groups in the local community such as Motor Neurone Disease, Kidney Research, Feed a Family Plymouth, Toilet Twinning, the Chestnut Appeal Men’s Health Charity, the Farming Community Network and supported many community groups to raise their own funds through the Devon and Cornwall Rotary Community Raffle.

Nationally, we have supported the Children’s Air Ambulance and contributed to the floods disaster fund. Internationally, we have lent funds to entrepreneurs in the developing world through Lend with Care, supported health & educational projects through Life for African Mothers and Gambian Projects and we support The Rotary Foundation charity and End Polio Now! campaign to eradicate the disease.  Most recently we have supported Shelterbox and directly helped people in and from Ukraine.

In addition, we proactively support and help hands-on activities such beach cleaning, litter picking, environmental projects and support other groups raising funds for charities, by for example, providing marshalls at events.

How do we fund our activities?

As members we pay subs to cover club running costs.  We have used online fundraising opportunities such as Just Giving, Easy Fundraising, a virtual balloon race and social media. We intend to develop this much further.  We have also used more traditional fundraising approaches including, raffles, making and selling face masks and appeals for donations. 

What next?

If you are interested in discussing how you can be part of our Business Partner Scheme, please get in touch for a no obligation conversation.

Andreas AdalianContact Andreas Adalian about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We purchase, plant and sell purple crocus corms to help raise funds for End Polio Now. We also buy End Polio Christmas Cards and support the cause in other ways.


Supporting the Environment is a Rotary International Area of Focus. We are supporting the environment strategically and practically. Members have helped with strategic planning, tree planting, gardening and litter picking.


As a club we are learning more about various types of mental health and helping to raise awareness about associated issues. Click on details to find out more…


We connect with Rotarians and support communities across the world.


We ran Wrap Up in Devon and collected good second hand coats that, through working with local partners, went directly to people locally, who struggle to keep warm during the winter months. We were thrilled with the brilliant response!


We’ve attended District Conference every year since our charter. This year was no different and we had a great time meeting Speakers, Rotarians and entertainers from across our Cluster!


We fundraise to support various charity, community and International disaster and emergency needs.


Updates of recent activity at e-Club


Recognising the positive actions of young people who exemplify the Rotary International motto of Service Above Self.


Welcome to new members who travel a lot in their camper van and join us from all over UK!


We collect used stamps for RNIB.


We often help organisers of shows by volunteering to help on gates, run errands and that type of thing. Shows we’ve helped at include the North Devon Show, Devon County Show, South Molton Vintage Rally and the Honiton Show.


Opportunities for businesses to partner with us to attain corporate social responsibility achievements.
