Speaker: 'The Life of Brian'

Thu, Jul 23rd 2020 at 4:45 pm - 5:45 pm

Brian Stoyel - One man's journey through a Rotary career from Rotarian to Rotary International Director

Brian Stoyal is a member of RC Saltash, and has been a District Governor twice, - once in District 1290 (Cornwall) and again for the newly formed District 1175 in the first year of the merger between Devon and Cornwall Rotary clubs.

Among many other achievements, he has led the program on eliminating Malaria in Tanzania - has served as Rotary President in Great Britain & Ireland and has recently been a Rotary International Director for our Zone in the Rotary world.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Opportunities for businesses to partner with us to attain corporate social responsibility achievements.


As a club we are learning more about various types of mental health and helping to raise awareness about associated issues. Click on details to find out more…


We ran Wrap Up in Devon and collected good second hand coats that, through working with local partners, went directly to people locally, who struggle to keep warm during the winter months. We were thrilled with the brilliant response!


We’ve attended District Conference every year since our charter. This year was no different and we had a great time meeting Speakers, Rotarians and entertainers from across our Cluster!


Updates of recent activity at e-Club


Recognising the positive actions of young people who exemplify the Rotary International motto of Service Above Self.


We often help organisers of shows by volunteering to help on gates, run errands and that type of thing. Shows we’ve helped at include the North Devon Show, Devon County Show, South Molton Vintage Rally and the Honiton Show.
