The Rotary Foundation

Addressing The Big Problems in The World

Providing Clean Drinking Water


Since it started in 1917 with a $26.50 endownment, The Rotary Foundation has to date given out more than $3 billion to humanitarian efforts worldwide.

Our motto is simply "Doing Good in the World"

The Rotary Foundation is today tackling some of humanities greatest challenges:

  • Fighting disease
  • Supporting education
  • Providing clean water and sanitation
  • Growing local economies
  • Saving mothers and children
  • Promoting peace
  • Protecting the Environment
Take a look at some of the East Midlands Foundation Funded Projects 

Club International Projects

Club Local Projects

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the work of The Rotary Foundation please email

For Members

Please visit the members only page where you will find all the information you need on Grants etc. Click the Red Button below.

Doing Good With The Rotary Foundation

Paul DickinsonContact Paul Dickinson about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

The Rotary Foundation sub-pages:

End Polio Now

more Since 1985, Rotary’s key humanitarian priority has been to rid the world of polio

Club Foundation Projects - International

more Presenting some of the International Foundation Projects run by Clubs in District 1070

Club Foundation Projects - Local

more Presenting some of the Local Foundation Projects run by Clubs in District 1070

Richard Power MBE

Leicester Rotarian Awarded MBE

more A variety of Rotarians from across the Isles were rewarded for their outstanding service in the 2024 New Year’s Honours List, including Leicester Rotarian, Richard Power