Presidential Handover 2014

Wed, Apr 30th 2014 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


At the AGM Anastasiya Belyaeva, from Crimea was elected President and Emerson Bianchi, from Toronto was elected Vice President.

Other officials will be elected at the start of the autumn term in September to allow Masters students and Freshers a chance to hold office.

All members at the AGM were presented with a special certificate designed by Vice President, Alex Cross.

Colin Mitchell specially thanked Ioanid Nagy-Vizitiu who was the inaugural President and had for 3 years worked hard for the Club and taken most of the photos at both Rotaract and Rotary events.

Thanks came from many members to the Outgoing President, Tea Pesheva from Macedonia, for her excellent year as President.

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