On another glorious sunny day David, Bill and Allan arrived at Cam's house ready to install the pond.
Since our last working party it had rained a lot (!) with two main results - 1) large stones had appeared at the top of the soil which could risk damaging the butyl liner and 2) loads of weeds had grown up again! So the first job was to remove both!
Once ready we were able to lay the underfelt liner which would give some protection against stones and then to spread out the heavy duty butyl rubber liner.
Next to turn the tap on and fill the pond whilct straightening out the liner - over two hours later the pond was full and looking good!
Meanwhile the intrepid trio, assisted by Rob - Cam's dad , completly dug over the lawn area, raked and graded it ready to lay the artificial turf and dug further sections of the winding path that will allow Cam to reach the top of the garden.
Time and muscles told us to leave it there ready for the next stage of laying the turf and installing the path. The patio will go in next week with the very kind assistance of FM Conway and further working parties will be needed to install the rockeries and plant loads of glorious colour in the garden.
See the photos of today's work and the progress made.