
WheelPower is our main supported charity for this Rotary year.

WheelPower base at Stoke Mandeville

WheelPower has long been supported by Rotary and Wendover and District are aiming at a closer relationship to help more disabled people in our communities to access and enjoy sport.

WheelPowerare passionate about sport and dedicated to providing opportunities for disabled people to live healthy active lifestyles. Undoubtedly, the Paralympic Games in 2012 delivered an amazing showcase of elite sport and inspired a generation. The goal in 2014 was to continue this momentum and maximise the many benefits of sport for disabled people at the birthplace of the Paralympic movement and all around the country.

Over the last twelve months WheelPower began a pilot project in Spinal Units. WheelPower’s Physical Activity Advisorshave been providing expert advice and support to patients with a recent spinal injury in the crucial early stages ofrehabilitation.

This year the Paralympic Legacy project Motivate East delivered by WheelPower has seen an upsurge of people from East London take part in sporting activities. From Paralympic prospects to those that had never played sport previously, over 5,800 disabled people have taken part in a range of sports and activities. Sport can develop confidence and improve fitness but it’s also a great wayto have fun and make friends. There are tremendous physical and psychological benefits, whatever your age or ability and that’s why more and more people are joining our sport events.

 However, there are an estimated 750,000 wheelchairs users in the UK, many more have a disability which means they would use a wheelchair to play sport. There is still much more we and our partners can do transform the lives of disabled people.

Linda DowneyContact Linda Downey about this page:

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Each year we enter, and sometimes we do quite well, other years we burn a little too early. What will happen this year?

Wendover and District Rotary!


To find out more about our club and what we do, see below.


Want to make a difference in your community, and use your skills and talents to help others, then please think about joining us. Contact Cheryl, cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk


Rotary is the world's leading provider of charitable donations, supporting international, national and local organisations.


A brief idea of our Club


Our meetings where we meet

WheelPower base at Stoke Mandeville

WheelPower is our main supported charity for this Rotary year.

Band of the RAF Regiment

Our Annual 'Let the Chilterns Sing' Concert

The men were not going to be outdone!!

This Club project has now ended after three years. BUST was a bra collecting project to help women in the third world and breast cancer research.

Linda Immunising baby

Past President Linda Downey went to India in February 2013 as part of the Rotary effort to eradicate polio.

Marshalling the Alzheimer's Walk 2015

This page will lead you to a number of other pages showing more of our events and activities.

Wendover Youth Centre

A brief glimpse at some of the many charities we have supported and are still supporting.
