This month, we’re aiming, as a club, to walk/ jog/run 6 million steps, the length of the English Costal Path (plus a bit extra) - starting and ending in Worcester! Why are we doing this I hear you ask - to support two important charity’s in Worcester - Samaritans & Relate. June is usually the month we hold our annual sports day - one of our big fundraisers of the year, so this year, we’re doing all the hard work and asking for your support.
“I’m proud to be supporting two excellent local charities, Relate and Samaritans, Worcester through a virtual walking of England’s coastline during the month of June.
Links below to donate:
Samaritans Worcester -
Relate Worcester -
Let the challenge begin!
more Worcester Vigornia Rotary Club presented a cheque for £1100 To Worcester Relate
more Presentation of the cheque.
more We have achieved over 11 million steps, a fantastic achievement, thanks to all participants and donors.
more Just a few of our group of walkers and runners, determined to complete the 6 million step challenge.