Two District Grants to Fund Back-up Power Supply

An addition to our Global Grant project

As our major global grant project drew to a close it became obvious to our partners in the RC Mtwapa that they needed to provide a back-up power supply to satisfy their ambitions of providing a 24/7 service at the maternity unit in view of the deteriorating public power supply situation.

After careful consideration of the alternative of a diesel powered stand-by generator, it was decided that the preferred method of providing a back-up power supply was by a solar powered power supply with battery storage and an invertor to convert DC to AC at a cost of £5300.  The plan involved 2 pahses of installation to fit with available cash and physi8cal necessity - the first phase of 4 PV panels, invertor and batteries was planned for installation as the unit opened for admissiona dn the 2nd phase was planned to follow on with 2 further panels and batteries as opportunity offered.

We applied for two District grants one in each of 2020/21 and 21/22 of £1750 and £900 respectively and transferred the first tranche (£3500) of funding to Mtwapa in July 21 so that work could commence closely following the opening of the maternity unit on 28 July.  A second tranche (£1800) was transmitted during October and a 3rd tranche of £1300 was sent in September 2022 making a total donation of ££6600.

The project progress was delayed during the Covid pandemic due to the difficult economic conditions in Kenya and the restriction of income and thus charitable work of our Kenyan partners, the Rotary Club of Mtwapa.

The project is now complete, tested and operating on a daily basis and proving its worth as the maternity unit improves conditions for expectant and newly delivered mother and infants.

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Solar panels in situ

Bomani model maternity unit

back A model maternity unit for an impoverished area N of Mombasa, Kenya

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The future maternity unit building

A model maternity unit for an impoverished area N of Mombasa, Kenya


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Annual Trustees' Reports and Accounts for last 3 years
