Thursday 28 November 2024
Breakfast Meeting
- Andrew B, Andrew M, David C, David M, Elaine, Fiona, Godfrey, Ian, Kathy,
Maureen, Maggie, Pat, Paul, Robert, Spyros, Sue.
No Guests
• David K, Gerry, Hilary, Jean, Marian, Nick, Pete, Trevor, Pippa, Lesley.
No birthdays this week
• Given by Paul.
• The Club ratified the positions for Ian’s year 25/26 as laid out in the notice lette
circulated to members.
• Craft afternoon - went well raised over £350. Very reliant on crafters giving their
time and resources. Future events need more help with setting up and tidying up,
all to note for future Craft events. Pat to send photos to Sue for the Club
Facebooking page.
• David M informed the club that there may be a further round of district grants -
Sue to contact Tankerton FC for their needs.
• A select group spent a pleasant evening at Ales and Antiques last night.
• Those attending the Christmas meal need to ensure payment made into club
• African adventures provide a Christmas meal for school children in Ghana, Kenya
and Zanzibar, proposal that £150 sent supported by club.
• Mary’s meals provides school children with meals, proposal that £150 sent
supported by the club.
• There was a discussion regarding funding a shelter box and donating to Mercy
Ships, these will be reviewed in the future.
• Date for next Aprils TWAM collection to be agreed, Andrew M to let club know.
• Kathy has circulated an email from Pilgrims hospice regarding their Santa fun run.
Those willing to act as marshalls or assist with registering are asked to contact
Rachael Edmed on or 07923 241617.
• Maybe a literacy in secondary schools project that the club can be involved with.
Maggie to seek more information.
• Brian Dunne DG requests a visit to our Clin, Fiona will contact to confirm a dat
next year.
• Due to Sue and Ian being away at the same time (not together) the March board
meeting date will change from 11th to 18th,therefore there will be a breakfast
meeting on 6th but not 13th.
• The Whitstable Yarn Bombers raffle that members bought tickets for was won
Maggie. Well done for the tickets sold at the craft afternoon. £100 was raised for
Pilgrims Hospices.
• Car parking on Sunday 1st December cover is tight but hopefully manageable.
• Proposed that once Chris Gregson lets us know which Rotary club he joins we
seek to twin with it. We could also reinstate the flash mob model and land on th
club for his induction….
• David M proposed that we seek to award a Paul Harris fellowship to John
Edward’s for his many years work with TWAM, suggestion being he is invited to
outer AGM in May and receive the same.
Greetings from other clubs
• Robert brought greetings from Garry Robinson, Canterbury Sunrise and Maggie
Blades, Canterbury who attending a meeting where Jarla Tatt gave an update on
global grants for a project in Zambia.
• Fiona’s homemade stollen was won by Ian, enjoy �
Master at arms
• Godfrey and Bertie Bassett covered for a poorly Nick: a variety of misdemeanours
including Ian’s parking, Fiona’s tango, Andrew and Spyros holiday. Followed by a
tale of Mick and Paddy in a cemetery with Miles from Dublin!
Final toast given by Sue.
Next meeting 5th December breakfast at the Plough.