General Meeting

Thu, Jun 20th 2024 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our Normal Weekly Meeting


Breakfast Meeting 07.30am for 08.00am Thursday 20th June 2024 @ The Plough

Present:               Andrew B, Andrew M, Dave C, David M, Elaine, Gerry, Godfrey, Jean, Kathryn, Lesley, Maureen, Margaret, Marian, Nick, Pat, Paul, Pete, Pippa, Robert, Spyros, Sue.

Apologies:           Chris, David K, Fiona, Hilary, Ian, Myfanwy, Reggie, Trevor, David B.

Guests:                Renee Grier & Shane, from Whitstable School

                                Carrie Hill & Molly, from Swalecliffe Junior School

                                Lee Thompson & Ollie for U. of Kent

                                Ronan Lennon

Welcomes:         Pat welcomed everyone to the meeting, including our guests for today.  We have one birthday coming up - Sue's - tomorrow or Friday whichever comes first. Jean passed on best wishes from David Bowley.

Grace:                   Paul



Fund Raising:  David M reported that last Sunday, the car parking raised £415 and £24.52 on the stall. Not a bad result.  Paul said he hasn't been given any more dates yet.

                Godfrey said that the annual Golf Day on Friday 6th September is fast approaching.  More names are needed for sponsorships.  Also, we need some good raffle prizes.

Membership:  As agreed last week, Myfanwy has been taken off the list.  She has mover away to Thanet apparently.

                Sue reminded members about attendance at the Canterbury City Show 20th & 21st July.  There is a copy of Yala's spreadsheet in the events folder.  Yala needs names as soon as possible.

                Finally, this is Pat's last morning as president.  The members present gave her a round of applause!

Presentations:                  Pat presented to each of the schools represented a book for the school library, and a book for the pupil.  David M said that this year, Walk4Water raised £4,000 towards providing clean water to a girls boarding primary school in West Kenya. Seven schools were involved in W4W this year.  Andrew B and David will take the books round to those not represented here today.

                Pat presented a certificate each to Ollie & Lee for U. of Kent.

Any Other Business:        David M reported that the branch will have made donations totalling £30,000 by the end of this year.

Greetings from Other Clubs:        Kathy reported that on Tuesday she played bat & trap at the Dove in Dargate for Whitstable Rotary against Faversham Rotary. The Dove isn't a restaurant any more but they did a barbecue on request.

Raffle:                   Won by Maureen.

Master-at-Arms:              According to Nick, today is Global Car Recycling Day. In 1840, Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code.  Also on the day in 1960, Huckleberry Finn became the first cartoon character to win an Emmy.  Today is Nicole Kidman's birthday.

Final Toast:         Pat proposed the Final Toast, and also a final round of applause for the schools who took part in W4W.

Date of Next Meeting:

Handover Meeting 18.30pm for 19.00pm Thursday 27th June 2024 @ The Plough

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Club President Elect and Membership Officer


Fund Raising Committee


Rotary Foundation - our International Charity


Our Club President for 2013/14


Our Secretary helps keep the Club in line!


Club Treasure - looks after Club and Charity funds raised by the Club


This is where we interact with younger members of our Community.
