General Meeting - D Day Speaker

Thu, Jun 6th 2024 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our Normal Weekly Meeting

This morning 6th June  our breakfast meeting was held in commemoration of the  D Day landings 6th June 1944. Our speaker Ron, presented an interesting overview of that event & other earlier WW2 events focusing on what ifs. He also talked about  Stan Hollis, Stan was Company Sergeant Major, D Company, 6th Battalion Green Howards. The only British solider awarded the Victoria Cross on the day.



Breakfast Meeting 07.30am for 08.00am Thursday 6th June 2024 @ The Plough


Present:               Andrew B, Andrew M, Dave C, David M, Elaine, Fiona, Gerry, Godfrey, Ian, Jean, Kathryn, Lesley, Maureen, Margaret, Nick, Pat, Paul, Pete, Pippa, Robert, Spyros.


Apologies:           Chris, David K, Hilary, Myfanwy, Marian, Reggie, Sue, Trevor, David B.


Guests:                Phil & Gill Lennard from Forest of Blean Rotary.

                                Chris from Forest of Blean

                                Ronan Lennon from Hilderberg Rotary, SA.

                                Neil Robertson

                                Eve Lockton-Goddard

                                Ron Benning, speaker


Welcomes:         Pat welcomed everyone to the meeting, including our guests above.  Phil, Gill & Chris brought greetings from Forest of Blean rotary club.  There are no birthdays this week.


Grace:                   Paul




Business:             Pat explained that there would not be many business announcements this week because we covered a lot last week.  She added thanks to Mel for coping with all our extra guests at short notice; the club does appreciate the fact that Mel has never let us down.

Fund Raising:  Paul said that the next car parking event will be on Sunday 16th June.  There is a sheet in the events folder.  Volunteers, please.

Social:  Lesley reminded everyone about the walk next week.  Please meet at the Grove Ferry pub at 10.00am.  Lunch is booked at the pub for 12.30pm.  Don't park in the pub car park; use the public one, it's only £2.00 all day.


Any Other Business:        Pippa said she has been to see Marian.  Latter is feeling much better and hopes to be able to resume attendance a meetings soon.  Reggie isn't doing very well, however.

                Pete reported that David B is very poorly.

                Gerry asked members present if anyone could help this week end with car parking at Quex Park for an event for disability charities?  Please talk to Gerry.  She may ask the organisers if they could come to one of our meetings as a speaker.

                Kathy reminded members about the Race for Life on Sunday 30th June.  There is a  sheet in the events folder. 


Raffle:                   Won by Andrew B


Speaker:              Ron started by telling us something of the background to D-day, including how the Atlantic wall of Nazi defences had been built by thousands of slave workers.  Also how Hitler had devoted resources mistakenly to the V1 and V2 rocket programmes the effects of which paled in comparison to RAF bombing of Berlin.

                Only one VC had been won by British or Commonwealth forces on D-day.  This was by company sergeant major Stan Hollis of the Green Howards.  Ron told us about his exploits.  One member present said that Stan's medal had featured on last Sunday's edition of Antiques Roadshow.



Master-at-Arms:              Nick told us that today is National Fish & Chip day, and also Barbecue Week.  It's also Bjorn Bjorg's birthday.  On this day in 1834 the YMCA was founded.


Final Toast:         Given by Andrew B.


Next Meeting:


07.30am for 08.00am Thursday 13th June @ The Plough

Correction to the AGM notes:  Chris' name added as Speaker Organiser.

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