Breakfast Meeting 07.30am for 08.00am Thursday 14th March 2024 @ The Plough
Present: Andrew M, Chris, Dave C, David M, Elaine, Fiona, Ian, Jean, Kathryn, Lesley, Maureen, Margaret, Nick, Pat, Pippa, Spyros.
Apologies: Andrew B, David K, Gerry, Godfrey, Hilary, Myfanwy, Marian, Paul, Pete, Sue, Trevor, David B.
Welcomes: Pat welcomed everyone to the meeting, including Fiona who is no longer listed as a guest! Birthdays this week include Dave C (yesterday) and Jean (today).
Grace: Said by Andrew M.
Social: Pat said that David M won the bowling (again!). It was a good meal afterwards at The Royal. Most of us got there early apart from Fiona & Robert who stayed a few minutes to finish off their game.
International: Pat brought up the subject of the meal after Walk4Water on Friday week. Hilary has booked The Coach & Horses at Harbledown because the Blean Tavern is now a pizza parlour. Members not keen on the Harbledown venue because there is no off-road parking. On a show of hands, members preferred to go back to The Royal Oak. Pat will speak to Hilary. Lesley offered to organise pre-booking members' meal choices. David M will give Lesley the names of who is having a meal (10x at the moment).
Fund Raising: As reported last week, we only have 3x car parking days in the next six months, which leaves a gap in our fund raising. Pat told the meeting that the Board has discussed of making this up with other activities. One suggestion is to have a Beetle Drive, something we haven't done before. Pat and Dave C explained how this would work. David M brought a sample score sheet with the values for the parts of a beetle. Dave C also has a score sheet and a sheet explaining the rules. Pat added that we can try this with smaller numbers here in The Plough; she reckons we can get 60x players in this room. Pat will liaise with Mel for a date. Dave C will circulate his sample score sheet and rules.
Pat also explained her idea of an Arts & Crafts demonstration afternoon. There would be maybe 8x tables and visitors would pay to come in and learn a new skill. As above, Mel will let us have the use of this room at The Plough, provided punters buy a drink at the bar. Margaret asked about customers who might want tea or coffee; the bar person wouldn't have time to do this if he/she was on her own. Would Mel be OK with us providing tea & coffee from an urn; would it detract fro takings at the bar? Lesley & Margaret said they could provide cakes if this was allowed.
Social: Pat drew the meeting's attention to the social evening being organised as a visit to The Little Green Bookshop, 38 High Street, Herne Bay (next to the Oxfam shop). This will be a talk about running an independent bookshop, wine and nibbles from 7.00pm Wednesday 3rd April. Dave C has put a sheet in the events folder.
Pat asked for a show of hands about having a guided walk followed by a pub lunch. Or, members can just join later for the lunch. Could this be a week day, or does it need to be at a week end? A circular walk would offer the option of walking either 3 or 5 miles. Nick said it is easier for him to have a day off work if it is mid-month rather than at the beginning or the end. Pat said she will look into organising this for May or June.
Youth Opportunities: Margaret said that she has contacted Claudine's father about the next round of the Young Chef competition being in Hampshire. The club is happy to offer assistance towards travel costs. No reply yet.
Any Other Business: Andrew M corrected the notes from last week; the extra date for the TWAM collection isMonday 18th March, Summer Wind, Radfall Road, Chestfield, CT5 3EP (on the right, immediately after the new brick wall). 4x volunteers are needed to shift items from the bottom of the garden to the van. Pat said there is a sheet in the folder and 4x people have put their names down. Andrew asked volunteers to be there for 10.00am. Also wear suitable foot wear; it may be muddy at the bottom of the garden.
Pat reminded members about the 20th Anniversary celebration. Any final names need to make themselves known asap. David M said he will circulate the list of those who have booked a place so far.
Nick has put a poster about ARFID in the events folder.
Raffle: Won by Spyros.
Master-at-Arms: According to Nick, Albert Einstein was born on this day in 1879. Fiona added that today is International Maths Day.
Final Toast: Proposed by Kathryn.
Date of Next Meeting:
07.45am for 08.00am Thursday 21st March @ The Plough
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