Notes of meeting at Chestfield Golf Club
6 July 2023 8am
Robert, Spyros, Ian, Reggie, Pippa, Andrew B, Andrew M, Jean, Lesley, Maureen, Elain, David M, Nick, Pat, Sue, Godfrey
Dave C, Gerry, Hilary, Myfanwy, Maggie, Marian, Chris, David K, Kathy, Pete, Paul.
Grace: Given by Jean.
Pat gave an update on Jean S – she is at home receiving end of life care and is awaiting a hospice place. Club agreed to send flowers – Pippa to arrange.
Race Night
This Saturday 8 July – 7 for 7.30pm start
Board Meeting.
Tuesday 11 July 7pm start at the Plough
All outstanding race night tickets need to be paid for
Membership fees due within next 2 weeks
Robert has new cards (circulated) with bank account details on – now a third account for 20th celebration payments.
Website updated
Noticeboard in Chesterfield also to be updated
Gardening at W & T Hospital
Maureen asked for a date to be set for next gardening date – Pat agreed to set at Board.
Permission needed from Friends for plant purchase – Maureen to speak with Georgina
Sue read a letter of thanks from the Hospital regarding work done.
Pippa reported on Marian’s progress. Some improvement reported by Marian this week. Family currently visiting from Hungary and so Pippa will visit again after they have gone.
Jean reported the Bowley’s both frail.
Hilary has suggested a Rabbi/Professor of Judaism as a guest speaker to inform/explain the ongoing situation in the Middle East. Pat to discuss with Chris.
Birthday cards
Sue commended Reggie on his choice of recent birthday card – great care taken in selection.
Greetings from other clubs
Maureen and others had attended Whitstable handover at Crescent Turner - Tony Rix is new president . 9 French guests also attended from the twinning club.
Won by Robert
Master at Arms:
Nic did his usual
Today is: International Kissing Day, Great British Pea Day and the anniversary of Jaws being released.
Final toast
Given by Sue
Next meeting:
13 July at The Plough – 7.45 for 8am start
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