Breakfast Meeting 07.45am for 08.00am Thursday 1st June 2023 @ the Plough
Present: Dave C, Pat, Andrew & Jean M, Lesley, Margaret, Elaine, Maureen, Nick, Sue, Paul, David M, David K, Godfrey, Chris, Andrew B, Robert, Reggie, Gerry, Kathryn.
Apologies: David B, Hilary, Myfanwy, Iain M, Trevor, Ian S, Pete, Pippa, Spyros.
Visitor: Gill Sissons
Grace: Paul
Welcome & Birthdays: Pat welcomed everyone to the meeting. It is Reggie's birthday to day; we all sang 'Happy Birthday.' Also this week, it will be Paul and Maureen's birthdays.
Fund Raising: Pat reminded everyone of the need to sell tickets for Rave Night on Saturday 8th July. 26 tickets have been sold so far.
David M has circulated an email about Gift Aid; we have received £2,212-96 back from the tax man, which was a good result. David asked if everyone could update their Gift Aid forms since this was last done over two years ago. David thanked everyone who has topped up their meals balances since he sent his email yesterday.
Regarding the Golf Day in September, Nick said he hasn't sorted out a main sponsor yet. There are 8x teams due to play. Pat said we can attend to this after Race Night is out of the way.
David M said he has ordered some more collection buckets for McDonalds at Christmas.
International: Pat thanked the volunteers who loaded up the TWAM van earlier this week. It was a full van load of tools apparently. In response to a question for Lesley, Pat confirmed that it is Spyros who collects medical appliances eg crutches.
David M confirmed that the donation, voted on last time for a cooker for a group in Ukraine, has been paid. The sum of £450 included installation and a cooker hood.
Youth: Maggie said she hasn't heard anything from the district organiser. She will chase him up shortly, and include Gerry in any correspondence.
Upcoming Events: Pat reminded everyone we need a good attendance on Thursday 15th Junewhen the school representatives will attend re Walk4Water.
Pat said we need to invite Crossroads and Red Zebra to the Handover Meeting later this month. We need a large cheque we can use as a photo opportunity at the meeting. Yo can't get them from the bank anymore. Dave C said he could find out about having a wipe-clean one made by the printers in William Street. David M thought he could print one out on A3 size which might be big enough.
Any Other Business: Pat reported that Marian has had her knee operation and according to Tony was out of bed yesterday.
Pat reported that the news about Jean S is not so good. She rallied last week but then went downhill again. She is still in QEQM, but she and Bob have had to delay / cancel their planned wedding reception.
Chris said that he would welcome any suggestions from members about potential speakers. Gerry has agreed to do her life story on Thursday 22nd June.
Paul reminded the meeting that the next car parking date will be Sunday 18th June. Another volunteer is needed for the 12.00 / 14.00 shift.
Greetings from Other Clubs: Gill brought greetings from Canterbury Sunrise. Kathryn brought greetings from Whitstable; she joined them on a trip to the Miners Museum at Bettshanger, and after a meal at Luigi's in Sandwich - both recommended.
A propos social activities, Lesley said she is putting together a list of possible outings etc for members to indicate enthusiasm. Dave C said he will come up with a date for another Tea by the Sea.
Raffle: Won by Andrew M
Master-at-Arms: Nick told us that today is Dinosaur Day and Reef Awareness Day, and also World Milk Day.
Final Toast: Proposed by Robert
Next Meeting:
07.45am for 08.00am Thursday 8th June 2023 @ The Plough
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