Breakfast Meeting 07.45am Thursday 23rd June 2022 @ the Golf Club
Present: Lesley, Andrew B, Dave C, Paul, Andrew & Jean M, Maureen, David K, Nick, Godfrey, Spyros & Pippa, Robert, Elaine, David M, Reggie, Hilary, Pat.
Zoom: Pete, Kathy
Apologies: Chris, Iain, Jackie, Myfanwy, Marian, Sue, Trevor, David B
Guests: Whitstable Junior School, Swalecliffe Junior School, Kent University Sport, Canterbury Business Equipment, Chris Norfolk.
Grace: Paul
Welcome: Lesley welcomed our guests this morning, then handed over to Andrew who will introduce the presentations.
Presentations: Andrew B spoke briefly about the 12 year history of the Walk4Water initiative. The money raised this year will go towards funding a bore hole for a school in Western Kenya, so the school and its pupils have a dependable supply of water. Andrew & Lesley then presented certificates and copies of the book “Eye of the Turtle”. Andrew or David M will visit schools not present today to present them with their certificates and books. Certificates were also presented to the sponsors (above). Andrew confirmed that W4W next year will be on Friday 24th March 2023. David M gave an outline of the new water project for next year.
Any Other Business: Re the rose garden, Andrew B said that sometime last week end it was vandalised. All of the bushes were pulled out and put in the bin. It seems this was a premeditated act, since the perpetrator would have had to wear gloves. What to do next will be discussed at the next Board Meeting.
Godfrey said he has researched the night time tours round Wildwood. It’s a 7.00pm start, and they can take up to 30 people. It allows visitors to see those animals which are nocturnal. It will cost £30 per head. It happens only once a month, and there are vacancies on the tour on 5thOctober. A sheet will be put in the Events Folder.
Paul confirmed that he has heard nothing yet about the new car parking schedule for the second half of the year.
Birthdays: Lesley gave a card to Pat.
Greetings from Other Clubs: Robert said last night he was at Elmley Nature Reserve with members of the Canterbury club, and Canterbury Sunrise club.
Raffle: Won by Reggie
Master-at-Arms: Nick said that today is International Women in Engineering Day.
Final Toast: By Pippa
As it is her last meeting as Chair, Lesley thanked members for their support, and reminded everyone that next week is the evening Handover Meeting.
6.30 for 7.00pm Thursday 30th June @ the Golf Club
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