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Business Meeting 08.00am Thursday 17th February 2022 @ the Golf Club
Present: Lesley, Kathryn, Robert, David M, Godfrey, Dave C, Chris, Spyros, Pippa, Pat, Paul, Andrew B, Nick, Hilary. On Zoom: Marian.
Apologies: Andrew M, Jean M, Iain, Elaine, Jackie, Maureen, Myfanwy, Margaret, Pete, Reggie, Sue, Trevor, Dave B, David K
Grace: By Paul
Matters Arising from Last Meeting:
Lesley said she has received three responses about the proposed £5 pcm levy on people who can’t attend any meetings during a month and the moving of meetings to half an hour later.
Two responses were in favour. The third was in favour of changing the time of meetings but not about the levy.
There was a comment about whether moving the meetings back would mean we run into more traffic (today is half term, so is not representative).
Lesley said the proposal was to review the attendance of members during March and then request a donation from those members, as appropriate. It was confirmed that attendance by zoom counts as attendance at a meeting. There was a vote of members present on the proposal to have a trial in March, and this was carried.
Nick asked if we could revert back to the earlier time once British Summer Time arrives; it was agreed the timing would be reviewed.
Reports from Committee Chairs:
International / Andrew: Nothing new to report. A list will be sent out shortly about who has volunteered to act as a marshal for Walk4Water on 25thMarch.
Community / Kathy: Nothing Further to Report
Social / Pat: NFTR
Public Image / Robert: Robert said that Face Book is being used well; 94% increase in hits over the last month.
Treasurer / David M: Club finances are OK, both the club account and the Charity account. The bowling evening is now fully booked. If you haven’t yet given David your menu choices for the meal afterwards at the Royal, please do this morning.
Meeting with Golf Club Staff: Lesley and Godfrey met with Natasha from the golf club. The latter confirmed that the golf club is still keen to retain our meetings, both for breakfast and evenings. Regarding evening meetings, Natasha said that they have now retained an event chef to cover these. Lesley and Godfrey felt that it was a very positive meeting. The golf club has all our meeting dates in their diary. We have asked if we can be pre-warned when our break fast meetings coincide with Ladies meetings at the golf club.
Walk4Water Lunch: Will the volunteers for W4W want to have a lunch together afterwards? Hilary volunteered to organise this. Can there be a sheet for this in the Events Folder?
Events Folder: Lesley said that members aren’t using this properly; members need to put a cross against their names when they can’t attend an event, and this is not happening. It means that it isn’t clear whether members have seen the folder or not. Moreover, members who attend only on Zoom can’t use the paper version; do we need an IT-based version? Noted that this was tried for meals bookings but it didn’t pan out. Lesley and Godfrey suggested we need someone to be responsible for the events folder, and making sure it does the rounds. Spyros has volunteered to do this for the rest of Lesley’s year.
Any Other Business: Can we re-commence to use the name badges. This is helpful to new members, guests, and those who have difficulty remembering names. Robert has the badges.
Several members have read the recently-issued guidance from District about Covid. This was felt to be too little, too late. In particular it was openly contradictory about whether to continue wearing face masks or not. Someone said this was just Rotary protecting itself from Criticism.
A volunteer is needed to run the raffle next week. Andrew stepped up.
Hilary said that Rotary International is about to begin polio vaccinations again in India. She has been asked to head up the team in Delhi. The meeting gave her our congratulations.
Raffle: Was won by Pat
Master-at-Arms: Nick said that today is World Human Spirit Day. Also it’s World Flirting Week.
Next Meeting: Lesley reminded members that the evening meeting next week will start ½ hour earlier than previously.
Evening Speaker Meeting Thursday 24th February 2022 6.30pm for 7.00pm start @ the Golf Club
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