Business / Breakfast Meeting on line 17th September 2020
Present: Pat; Ron; Iain; Andrew & Jean; Lesley; Kathryn; Godfrey; Andrew B; Sue; Peter; Hilary; Dave C; Margaret (Guest)
General: Kathryn said welcome to everyone, and a special welcome to Margaret, Pat’s guest. She has had an email from David B to say thank you for his birthday present, and suggesting he may have more medical issues to contend with. Kathy has previously shared Brian Dunne’s email which confirms that we can’t go ahead with any more face-to-face meetings under the new rules; if we did, we would not be covered by insurance.
Last night the Board discussed the future of breakfast meetings; do we have them at the Plough of the golf club? The decision was to wait and see; both have advantages and disadvantages. Initially, we may go back to the Plough. It has been confirmed that we can have evening meetings there, and that Mel will close the back room to us as a private function.
The Board is aware of a need to involve all of our club members more actively. It is decided to resurrect the practice of having all members on a committee. The committee leaders, who are also board members, will approach members whose names are on last year’s list.
Treasurer: David M has confirmed we have £2317 in the charity account. We don’t know what calls there will be on this money in the near future, so we will keep it in the account for the time being. Sue and Pat said that there is £2000 more to go in from the Sky Dive.
Car Parking: We had a good day last Sunday, raising £500. This was the last date we have, but a new list will be out soon. The Board has discussed asking for a minimum charge from the punters, but the school would not like this. Instead, Godfrey will have some signs made indicating how much cars would be charged at a council-run car park. Godfrey will send round a draft sign for approval.
Gardening: Andrew B will see Marian later this morning, at the Whit & Tank Hospital, and ask if we can do this on Saturday 26th September from 10.00am. Andrew will post some photo’s on What’s App of what the grounds are like. If we have more than six volunteers, we can still go ahead, providing we have two teams in different parts of the gardens. Can all members please respond to Andrew to say if they can help out on the 26th?
Sky Dive: Well done to Pat and Sue. So far they have raised £2000. Pat and Sue are not taking their expenses. There will be some pictures on the web site.
Polio Day: This will be 24th October. The vicar of All Saints is happy to put purple filters on the lights outside the church to publicise Polio Day. He will put an article in the parish magazine, we will need to publicise the day elsewhere eg the Chestfield newsletter. We should get a group of us together outside the church in our Rotary polo shirts for a photo opportunity.
Shoe Box Appeal: This was discussed at Board last night. Last year we didn’t do this because we were being asked to pay a fee on top of the cost of filling the boxes. Kathy is looking into an alternative shoe box appeal run by Rotary.
Christmas Collection: Cards for putting through letterboxes in advance of the collection are usually printed for us by Canterbury Sunrise. Canterbury may not be doing anything this year, apart from a collection outside a supermarket. Our board is proposing that we continue to go ahead with preparations for our usual collection in Chestfield until and unless new Covid rules prevent us. Today’s meeting agreed with this.
Kathy had to leave, to get to school, so Lesley took over the Chair at this point.
Caroline Mumford: She is the person who was trying to set up a satellite group for potential younger members. It is proving difficult to do this because of the strange times we are in, so she is keen on joining us. She is the manager of the Umbrella Centre in Whitstable.
Chelsea Birkby: She is the SE Legacy Manager for Cancer Research. She has emailed us (with a short video attached) about what they do, and to ask if we would like a presentation? The Board has agreed to invite her to an evening meeting sometime.
HERstay: This is a new charity which supports with accommodation 16-20 year olds who are pregnant and my be subject to abuse. The organiser Judith Collins would like to come and talk to us. The Board has agreed initially to invite her to talk to an evening zoom meeting in return for a speakers fee. The club could vote on whether to support this initiative financially. We will invite other local clubs to attend the talk.
Carers UK: Lesley attended a webinar in July about the partnership between Rotary and Carers UK. They are a national organisation, and what they want from us is boots on the ground ie local ambassadors who can identify local adult carers who need (and will accept) help. Lesley is waiting for a training package, but would like someone else from the club to join her. If we take this on it will require a long term commitment. It was pointed out that there is already a group for NHS volunteers locally, and these complain of not having enough to do. The problem is always one of reaching those who need help. Other members said that there is also an active group of volunteer drivers locally. (Mel from the Plough provides Sunday lunches for local people in need).
Age UK: Can we do anything to support them? We are aware that they have had to curtail nearly all of their activities aimed at socialising elderly people (the only thing they can still do is an online sing along). Pat has come up with the idea of offering to make ‘Fiddle Cushions’ ie a cushion you can have on your lap with bobbles and other sensory items that you can fiddle with (steady, gentlemen). Pat could offer to run small workshops for making these. Lesley will ask Age UK if they would like this. Dave wondered if local scouts / guides (who can’t meet at the moment) might want to make some pom-poms? Apart from Age UK, we could approach local care homes.
AoB: Pat said that the small groups are still meeting and socialising. The club needs to be mindful of the need to pull in those members who prefer not to meet online.
Margaret, or guest this morning made a brief introduction. She has spent 30 years in teaching mainly with young people with special needs. She has two grandchildren who are autistic. She was a scout leader (Cub scouts) for 20 years.
Ron wondered when the club can send a deputation to empty his garage? There are several gazebos belonging to the club, as well as other bits. Can he suggest a mid-week date?
Next Meeting:
Next Thursday 24th September. Please note the earlier start time: 07.45 am.
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