Business Meeting 23rd July 2019 @ 8.00am
Present: Pat McFarlane, David Bowley, Jean & Andrew Martin, Godfrey Brown, Andrew Brealey (President), Lesley Robertson, Peter Thomson, Sue Vargyas, Iain Millet, Robert Sissons, Dave Coupland (Secretary)
Apologies: Apologies received from Owain Williams
General: Andrew asked members present to confirm their acceptance of the revised club procedures recently circulated by David Mann. Agreed.
Ron Benning is keen to promote the use by club members of Whats App. Not many people have been using this. Robert Sissons is the administrator and anyone wanting to join will have to contact him with a mobile (smart?) phone number. Andrew confirmed that all events, activities, club procedures etc will continue to be circulated to all via email.
Lesley has written to Ian Barnard at district about his email regarding grants for promoting membership. She has asked for clarification about the process, what sort of things clubs have used such grants for, and in particular how long is the run time between applying and being approved.
Andrew mentioned the Christmas food collection which is provisionally booked for Sunday 6th December. He will contact Canterbury Sunrise club about printing Christmas cards once we receive confirmation from Monica that the float is available on the 6th.
Foundation: Andrew asked Iain about contacting Simon the vicar of All Saints Church about lighting up the outside with purple floodlights. This is to raise awareness of Rotary’s part in eradicating the polio virus worldwide. This would be on 24th October, but we would need to advertise the event beforehand so people know the significance of the purple lighting. The concern is that with the current focus on Covid-19, polio might make a comeback. Jean explained the meaning of the colour purple: children in the third world who have had the polio vaccine have their finger dyed purple to show they have had it. Iain mentioned the daily services on YouTube by the Dean of Canterbury which have attracted a million followers; apparently his four cats keep making an appearance. Action: Iain.
Social: Pat explained about maybe being able to use the large back room at The Plough for face-to-face breakfast meetings. She is awaiting a confirmation. This means we could have a Zoom meeting once a month, and a face-to-face breakfast meeting once a month.
Pat has arranged for members to host tea parties with suggested guests, including some members who are not using the Zoom meetings. There are about 4 or 5 of these on the go at the moment. Thos who are due to host an afternoon updated Pat about progress.
Dave mentioned that he and Di had stopped at the refurbished Bubble Cafe at Whitstable. It looks very nice inside. Di asked informally about hosting group events, and yes they will be happy to so so once the refurbishment is complete.
Dave also said that he and Di had a very pleasant afternoon at Samphire Hoe (between Dover and Folkestone) recently. There is plenty of room for a group walk or picnic, and you can book a blue badge guided tour if you have at least 10 people in a group. Would this be an idea for later in the Summer? What do members think?
The Board has discussed having a walk or cycle ride, either from Herne Bay to Reculver or from Reculver to Minnis Bay. The Rotary Ride is an event in aid of Prostate Cancer for the week end of 5th or 6th September. After discussion it was agreed to have a members’ walk or cycle ride from Reculver to Minnis Bay on Saturday 5th September (but we can postpone to 6th nearer the time if the weather forecast is poor). Friends and family are invited, and each participant will be asked to contribute £5 to Prostate Cancer. Everyone to meet at Reculver car park (there is free parking at the top of the hill at Bishopstone) at 2.00pm. Those people who don’t want to walk or cycle can meet up on the green next to the pub restaurant at Minnis Bay at about 4.00pm. Dave C will circulate a booking sheet for members’ responses. Action: Dave.
Fundraising: Godfrey reviewed how the car parking went recently. Jean said it was very busy over the lunchtime slot, and they could have done with another person. Godfrey said that it will make communicating easier between the top and bottom end if members use the walkie-talkies rather than rely on hard-to-interpret hand signals. He will rty to have 4 people on during the busiest time between 12.00pm and 4.00pm. Jean said it didn’t help having traffic wardens trying to book drivers who were waiting to come in. The next car parking will be Sunday 16th from 10.00am. Volunteers please contact Godfrey. Action: All.
Sue said that she and Pat will do their skydive on 12th September. In answer to a question she confirmed that they will be strapped to a parachute – and a man. Sue and Pat still need more sponsorship. Sue will send a poster to Dave C, with details how to sponsor them on line. Dave will then circulate this. Action: Sue & Dave C.
Sue added that we don’t know when All Saints church hall will be open once more for group events, so the Quiz Night in November may not happen. The Barn Dance has been cancelled and provisionally re-arranged for 19th June 2021.
International: Andrew said the Rotary International has just awarded the largest Global Grant ever - $1.125 million to Mercy Ships. David M has confirmed that we have just over £1700 in the charity fund available for outlay on international charities. Andrew said that the Board has proposed that we donate £300 each to Mercy Ships and Shelter Box. This was approved unanimously by the members present.
Public Relations: The Board has discussed how many members are using our Face Book page, and also the district Face Book page (look under ‘Rotary 1120’).
Margate have begun to publicise their Centenary Year in 2021. They will be holding a celebration banquet at the Winter Gardens on 15th May, and have invited local clubs to attend. The Board have said we will get up a party for this, maybe with a coach if their is enough interest. Dave C has been asked to write back to express interest. Action: Dave C.
Health & Safety: Nothing new to report.
Any Other Business: Andrew reported that the Board have approved asking David M to purchase a bigger box for the President’s chain of office – we have so may names on the chain that it won’t fit in the existing box.
David B wanted to add something but his screen kept freezing. Dave C to find out what this item was.
Lesley said that at the Board meeting Kathy felt that we need to have a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible to draw in members who don’t like to use Zoom. Lesley has looked at the government website to ascertain the latest guidance about meeting as a group; we can have a meeting, so long as we maintain social distance.
Lesley also talked about a webinar she attended yesterday about ‘Rotary and Carers UK’. The latter is a charity which offers support and social contact to people caring for family members. Lesley said the presentation was lovely, and quite affecting. Rotary members are being asked to help by facilitating on-line social groups for carers. There may be an on-line presentation we can view.
Dave C has been asked to email all members a copy of the Club Directory, and ask for each member to check his/her entry and tell Dave if it needs updating. Action: Dave C.
Date of the Next Meeting: Thursday 6th August @ 8.00am. Pat will send a Zoom invite.
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