Silver Sunday 2024

This years Silver Sunday get together and Afternoon Tea

With thanks to Judy for this report.

The annual Silver Sunday gathering hosted by Ambleside Kirkstone Rotary was filled with lively conversations over a magnificent Afternoon Tea held in the Parish Centre.  Silver Sunday is a national initiative that celebrates the contributions of older people to our communities, now supported by Age UK. 

The event was an opportunity for attendees to come together and enjoy a delicious spread of sandwiches, home-baked cakes and scones, while catching up with old friends and making new ones, on a Sunday afternoon, a time when few other community events are scheduled.  An optional table quiz was available for those who wanted to puzzle together while socializing. 

The event was free, but appreciative guests generously donated more than £100 which Ambleside Kirkstone Rotary will be very pleased to pass on to local community causes.

Silver Sunday 2024 sub-pages:

Shorts Flying Boat Presentation in aid of Alzheimer's Research

more During WW2 a huge factory employing over 1500 workers came to the shores of Lake Windermere. This presentation includes the stories and voices of workers and locals during those momentous years.