Each year the Club organise a Charity Quiz Night at Hove Edge Bowling Club.
Between 15 and 20 teams from organisations in and around the local community enter, competing for a trophy and the honour of being crowned Quiz Champion.
Teams comprise a maximum of 5 members and answer 10 rounds of questions on subjects such as history, geography, sport, current affairs and general knowledge.
The competition was won by the Old Contemptables in 2019
In 2019, 16 teams took part in the quiz, raising £490 from donations, sponsorship and entry fees and £134 from the raffle making a total of £624, which will be distrubuted to two local Brighouse Charities;
more All junior schools in the area are invited to a quiz with the winning school participating in district finals. Prizes and certificates for all.
more Our stall at the 1940s weekend. Come and have a go to win some cash and raise some money for local charities.
more Our annual fundraiser for the chosen project overseas
back A list of the previous projects or events we used to support causes