Brighouse Rotary Photo Galleries

Canal Clean and Tidy
We have adopted a section of the Brighouse Canal from Brighouse Basin to Anchor Bridge where we shall be helping to improve the appearance of the canal paths, the flower beds and boxes. Come and help us
Tree Planting
An initiative with the other Rotary clubs in Calderdale to plant trees to improve the environment
Rotary Shoeboxes
Working with Halifax Rotary we distribute Shoeboxes to the schools in our area to be filled with gifts for those less fortunate.
1940s Weekend Car Park
We manage the car park for the event. There is a free vintage bus ride into town and back from the car park.
Primary Schools Quiz
All junior schools in the area are invited to a quiz with the winning school participating in district finals. Prizes and certificates for all.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
A professionally run development course for the leaders of tomorrow. Attended by those pupils in 6th form and supported by Rotary members.
Annual charity quiz
Running for over 25 years raising hundreds of pounds each year for a named cause.
Calderdale SmartMove
Calderdale SmartMove sources safe and secure homes for homeless and vulnerable people in Calderdale.
The Space @ Field Lane
A local initiative to create a community centre in a deprived area of Brighouse housing 2500 people.
End Polio
Rotary's key humanitarian project is to eradicate Polio worldwide. Rotary spearheaded the campaign at a time when there were over 1000 cases a day in 125 countries. Today the number of cases is down by 99.9% - a fantastic achievement!
Did you enjoy the Gala?
If you came here after receiving a card, here's a reminder of what we discussed.
Sing-along-a Grease
What a great night celebrating 40 years since the film was released. All proceeds £700 have gone to a deserving local Scout so she can attend the World Jamboree in 2019.
Quiz Night (Com Voc)
This year's annual charity quiz was a great success, raising over £1000 for Ravenscliffe special school in aid of their Spring Hall room.
International meal at Mumbai Spice
Brighouse Rotary club descends on Mumbai Spice in Huddersfield for a great evening of food & fellowship
Visit to John Smiths Stadium (Com Voc)
8 lucky Brighouse Rotarians and guests get a guided, behind the scenes tour of the John Smiths stadium in Huddersfield
International Evening Thai Sakon meal
Organised by Matt Redfearn, a discerning bunch of members and compatriots tried the delights of a Thai banquet evening meal. The restaurant chief gave the group a chat on how to eat Thai food without mixing flavours.... good food and great service!
Handover June 2014
The handover of the presidency from Tony Herbert to Marian Eastwood took place one day early on the last day of June this year
Amsterdam Trip May 2014
The 20114 International trip to Amsterdam was very enjoyable and no-one went missing over there...
2014 International Wine Tasting Evening
Yet another enjoyable fund-raiser with wine tasting by our local experts.......... The pie and pea supper went down well.... Photos by Matt - many thanks!
2014 Quiz Night
held at the Hove Edge WM club and won this year by Rastrick Cricket Club...again!
President's Evening February 2014
Once again this was held at the Auctioneer, with many members and guests of President Tony, who enjoyed great hospitality and entertainment. The highlight had to be Magician Shaun McCree, who had most of us puzzled...
Youth Services Coffee Morning
A fundraiser was held at the abode of Jane Lindley, where guided tours were arranged and a competition held to guess the number of toilets installed. Someone got lost and counted 17. It was very enjoyable morning - with great coffee,cakes and company!
2013 Halloween Gathering
The International Committee arranged to have some strange people gathered at President Tony's abode. The Broomsticks were parked neatly behind the electric gates.....
2013 Bowls Day at Hove Edge
The Annual Bowls Day went ahead despite attempts by the weather to dampen spirits. Lunch and the presentation of trophies took place at the Gray Ox afterwards. The fish and chips were up to standard!
2013 Summer BBQ
The late summer BBQ held at the Vink location with the excellent weather organised by the International Committee. The colourful head chef was in attendance and performing to the usual high standard.
Handover 1st July 2013
The pleasant ritual of the handing over of the presidency took place at the Auctioneer, with Judith Poole handing over the chain of office to Tony Herbert
2013 Brighouse Gala
The weather was just right for the annual gala held at Welholme Park, when the locals once more turned out in force to support the club's major source of funding.
2013 Rotary Navigation Walk
The third sponsored walk along the Calder Navigation took place in sunny, but cold, weather on Sunday 7th April 2013
2013 Club Quiz Night
Once again the annual Quiz Night took place at Hove Edge WMC. Sponsored teams battled it out for the Trophy, while generating funds for Rotary charities.... The real ale was nice too.
2013 President's Night
President Judith's Night at the Auctioneer with members from the Calder Valley Clubs.... despite the threat of a lower key event with no belly-dancers nor Gilbert O'Sulliven, a good time was had by all! ( The Moroccan Lamb Meatballs were superb.......)
2012 Christmas meal with the ladies
Tonight's Christmas meal with the ladies or more correctly, members and partners was held at the Auctioneer. The visiting Salvation Army Band entered into the spirit of the occasion with their selection of music and carols. More photos have been added.
2012 Old Folks Concert
The 2012 Concert was held at a different time and place. St. John's school at Clifton put on a Christmas concert for over 50 senior citizens, with Mince pies and coffee served afterwards. Most photos of the pupils performing cannot be shown, sadly.
2012 Tree of light at Sainsbury's
The blessing and the switching on of the Tree of light. This year the proceeds will go to The Halifax Branch of the Alzheimer Society.
2012 International Wine Tasting!
Johan's International Committee Fundraiser...held at Fixby with a splendid turn out from the Club and Inner Wheel.
2012 Bowls Morning and Gray Ox meeting
Yet another enjoyable tournament at Hove Edge Bowling Club, with the customary trip to the Gray Ox to unwind.... Sadly some of the photos suffered from operator error, so sackcloth and ashes shall be worn. Also remember, the images are low resolution !
2012 Race Day at Copley Wood
Once again, this time at Copley Wood, we had the enjoyable sight of people winding string onto a bobbin to pull a "horse" along, with TOTE facilities, good food, first drinks free and good company. It stayed dry and raised £601!
2011 Charter night
2011 Bacon Brunch
2011 Bowling Event
2011 Music Train Version 2
An exciting impromtu visit to Sheffield via an interesting privatised rail company! The music was enjoyable, as was the reactions of the non-Rotary pasengers caught up in the action. Well done Brian. This version includes photos by Paul....Many thanks!
2011 Race Day at the Spinney
The weather was unbelievably kind, if a little cold, but a good time was had by all!
2011 Summer BBQ
The BBQ this year included the Inner Wheel Secret Auction, held at the Redfearns. Thanks for the excellent photos David.
2011 Murder Mystery Night
2011 Presidents Night
This year's celebration was at the Auctioneer and was up to the usual Brighouse high standard... Now with edited photos!
2011 Foundation games night
Another enjoyable evening at Copley Wood with all the tension and excitement........of a 4-legged beetle drive, with great food and company.
2010 Christmas Meal With Wives and Partners
The annual event at the Auctioneer, where Inner Wheel, Wives and Partners met for the last time before the break.
2010 Inner Wheel Christmas Meal
The start of a Pleasant Evening at Berties place... With photos from LINDA !!
2010 Wine Tasting Evening
The International Event took the form of a wine tasting Evening at Copley Wood....
2010 Bowls match and lunch
2010 Scottish Expedition part 2
This is a group of photos taken by Chris, showing that he managed to arrange decent weather, yet again... Fabulous scenery...
2010 Scottish Expedition part 1
A group of hardy souls ventured forth into the land of whisky and kilts.....all returned safely. Pictures from Paul and Peter.
2010 International BBQ The Barn
Great weather was ordered for the annual International fundraising BBQ at the Redfearns...great food and company as well!
2010 Curry Night at Ashiqs
YOC Fundraising Beef Sarny Fest
An excellent luchtime sesion at the Abode of Yvonne and Ken to raise funds towards the cost of RYLA and JCE
2010 Charity Quiz Night
2010 Presidents Evening
2010 International Swiss Evening
yet again Arthur and Christine played hosts to the International Committee's fund raiser!
2010 Thanks for Life Gala Dinner
Brighouse Rotary members attended a gala dinner arranged by Bingley Rotary Club to raise funds for The Eliminate Polio “Thanks for life” campaign held at the Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford.
2009 Tree of light
The Annual dedication of the Tree of Light took place on Sunday Afternoon at Sainsbury's
2009 Charter Night
Yet another excellent evening with an unusual cabaret item, good food and company..........
2009 Jazz Train
Yet another excellent evening organised by Brian to Sheffield and back, with great music/refreshments/company!
2009 Brighouse Gala
The photos only show a general view of the crowd because of the legal situation, but it was a great turn-out and a pleasant afternoon enjoyed by all. Try and spot Phil and Jenny on walkabout!
2009 Presidents Surprise
The forthcoming end of the Welsh era was celebrated at Brook's eatery, with the usual cabaret and excellent food...
2009 International Barbeque
The weather was up to specification at the Redfearns' abode with Past President Peter performing on the converted oil drum. The food, drink, company and surroundings were excellent and a good time was had by all. Many thanks, Jenny and Chris!
2009 Murder Mystery Event
Another enjoyable evening at Willowfield, arranged by Duncan, with intrigue and murder most foul. Most characters appeared in suitable attire and the deaths were hygenic.... The food, drink and company were excellent also!
2009 President's Evening
The annual extravaganza which used to be called Ladies Evening was held again at the Auctioneer, where David and staff laid on excellent food and service and others the entertainment.. . .a great evening!
The Music Train.
2006-July - Greek Night at Tony Perryman's.
Arthurs Switch-on and Firework
DetailsOld Folks Concert 2008
DetailsTree of Light - 2008
DetailsYOC Beetle Drive 8 November 2008
Scarborough Conference 2008
Details2008 Charter Night
Details2008 Presidential Handover
Christmas Meal with Partners
2013 Rotary Club Lille Trip
The 2013 International Trip got as far as Lille. According to Phil, the town was never invaded........ until the club hit town. (Photos by Judith and Bill)
2008 - President's Surprise
2008 Kids Out
2008 Bar-B-Q
2008 Barcelona
2008 Murder Mystery Night
2008 International Curry Night
2008 DragonFest
2008 Casino Evening
2008 Presidents Evening
2008 Alsace Night
Charter Night 2007
Southport Conference 2007
International Trip to Paris
Blood Pressure Awareness
Taffy-Sykes Night
Curry Night 2007
Quiz Night
Presidents Evening 2007
Presenting the Mayor with his cheque
Italian Night - 17th Feb 2007
IW Nursery Rhymes.