Terri Ritchie receives her Diana award

Wed, Aug 15th 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Terri Ritchie receives her Diana award from President Janet Lewis

Terri Ritchie with Janet Lewis

At its breakfast meeting on Wednesday the 15th August the Wrexham Yale Rotary Club was pleased to welcome the District Governor Roger Heath and assistant District Governor Paul Crosby to a lively meeting where a well earned Diana Award was presented to Terri Ritchie a student at Yale College Wrexham.

The award was made to Terri after her name was submitted to the award panel by the President Janet Lewis citing Terri as a model young citizen who despite having a number of health problems had shown high levels of self-motivation, drve and leadership skills.

Terri was accompanied by Johanna Ebery, a teacher at her previous school Ysgol Bryn Alyn who had testified to her skills. It was also noted that Johanna had spent a very busy two weeks at the Olympics as one of the many 'volunteers' who had been highly commended by the organisers and the government.

more details on the Diana award can be found at http://diana-award.org.uk/ 


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