Many thanks to Malcolm who inspired us with his courage and perseverance. Thirty-eight years ago at the age of seventeen years Malcolm faced a devastating spinal injury after a ladder fall. As part of his rehabilitation, he was introduced to wheelchair basketball and from this painful beginning developed a life of success. We followed his career with interest as he told us his honours ........ World Silver 1994, European Gold 1995, Paralympic Silver 1996 and European Silver 1997.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale is a busy and active club. President Steve and President Elect Medwyn welcome visitors to the cub and, of course, potential new members. There is always something going on!
moreMembers of the Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale arrange and participate in a busy schedule of fundraising & social events and service activities throughout the year.
moreThe Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale is fortunate to regularly welcome fantastic guest speakers, both to weekly club meetings, and also at fundraising events and the annual Charter Brunch.
moreEach year the President nominates one or more international good causes and/or projects to support through (for example) fundraising activity. Additionally, the club supports the Rotary Foundation and looks for opportunities to apply for suitable grants.