Getting to know your Club Website CANCELLED

Wed, Aug 29th 2007 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Awareness evening at Nightingale House 7.30pm

See what your club Website can do for you.

A chance to log in and see the benefits of using our club website.

Less paper. less time, less money.

Supper provided.  £10 per person

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale is a busy and active club. President Steve and President Elect Medwyn welcome visitors to the cub and, of course, potential new members. There is always something going on!


Members of the Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale arrange and participate in a busy schedule of fundraising & social events and service activities throughout the year.


The Rotary Club of Wrexham Yale is fortunate to regularly welcome fantastic guest speakers, both to weekly club meetings, and also at fundraising events and the annual Charter Brunch.


Each year the President nominates one or more international good causes and/or projects to support through (for example) fundraising activity. Additionally, the club supports the Rotary Foundation and looks for opportunities to apply for suitable grants.
