Fourteen RCMM members had an interesting visit to Greatmoor in Woodham, near Aylesbury,
Greatmoor is the ENERGY from WASTE FACILITY for Buckinghamshire.We were welcomed by Jez Elkin, the Waste Awareness and Education Manager, who explained the whole process very clearly before showing us round.
Non-recyclable waste is collected and at Greatmoor is dropped into a 23 metre deep bunker and then loaded by huge grab cranes into the grate where it burns for approximately 2 hours.
The non-combustible components within the waste are removed as bottom ash from which metals are recovered for recycling. The remaining ash is used as an aggregate or in breeze blocks and kerb stones.
The thermal energy is heating a boiler to produce high processed steam that is fed to a turbine producing 25 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to power 44,000 homes. The flue gases are neutralised and filtered before being released into the atmosphere.
300,000 tonnes of waste per year are converted into clean energy.and less waste ends up in landfill.