At Thruxton, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 8PN Cost is £119.89
Full information and registration here
We need 25 people for the event to be viable.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Following our recent AGM, Nigel Lanchbury accepted the nomination to be Vice-President of the Club. Full details of the AGM are available in the Members area of the website.
moreOne of our main fund-raising events in the year
moreAs in previous years, Marlow Thames once again sponsored four youngsters to go on a week’s sailing experience with The Rona Sailing Project.
moreWe may have been restricted but what we could do as Rotarians didn’t change. Since March 2020 the Club has stepped up to the mark helping people in need, fund raising and providing emotional support.
moreRotary, with its 1.2 Million members worldwide, responded immediately and strongly to the Ukrainian Crisis and continues to do so
moreWe supported this project of building a welfare centre in a remote mountain village. The centre has now had its official opening.
moreThis is an alternative way to view Club meetings and events. You can synchronise it with your personal Google calendar
moreThis year Marlow Thames once again sponsored four youngsters to go on a week’s sailing experience with The Rona Sailing Project.
moreAn online opportunity to dedicate a message to a loved one and to make a small donation to local charities