Rotary Club of Bradley Stoke supports and raises significant funds for Southmead Hospital Charity.
The club attended the ‘AMAZING ABSEIL EVENT’ on the 21st September. 4 team members :
Allan Ashby, Peter Vernon, Andrei Mironovici and the District President, Judy Powell jumped off the top of Southmead Hospital to raise funds for The Southmead Hospital Charity.
It was a terrifying experience as none of the participants had ever abseiled before and the building is quite high.
None the less we steeled our nerves and jumped and have so far raised in the order of £1300.00 for the Charity. A significant amount.
Our current club President Peter Vernon was proud of all our participants who really put aside all of their fears and carried out the task with a fantastic result.
The Hospital hold a number of fund raising events throughout each year to raise funds for projects that lie outside the remit of the NHS. The Hospital serves a very wide catchment in and around the Bristol area.
If you are interested in supporting the charity on future events then please go to
For further information.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Peter Vernon leads rotarians in abseiling down Southmead Hospital This event is due to run again this year
moreOrganisations who have been aided by donations and the support of Bradley Stoke Rotary Club
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