Ukrainian Page

RCoDD welcomed 20+ Daventry & District based Ukrainian Friends, Family and their hosts to a typically English Afternoon Tea. Hopefully this is the start of many activities that RCoDD can do to make our Ukrainian guests feel welcome.

We have received this information from Olga Kostiuchenko one of our Ukrainian Guests that we entertained on Saturday Afternoon

This is Olga's family before 24th February 2022.

Olga's son, Kiril Kostiuchenko, the author of the lyrics and music, and singer from the 2nd minute

  • And I will never forget the way home
  • That took me to my friends and to school
  • I will not forget the last time from Ukraine
  • We drove it and now there are mines

  •  How are you there, good
  •  Only sirens wail
  •  Do you remember how it smells?
  •  Spring morning 

  •  Smoke in the air
  •  And hands are dirty
  •  Couldn't  wash them
  •  Those who violated
  •  24th dawn 

  •  Say hello
  •  Everyone I know
  •  I'll hug you soon
  •  The land is stagnant 

  •  All good to me
  •  My family and I are close
  •  Every next day
  •  We are on a foreign land 

  •  I would like to go home
  •  But there is nowhere
  •  The time will come
  •  Let's get back on our own 

  •  And I will never forget the way home
  •  That took me to my friends and to school
  •  I will not forget the last time from Ukraine
  •  We drove it and now there are mines 

  •  I want to go to a house where I know who is coming by the sound of slippers
  •  I won't be back soon, no one is waiting for me
  •  I lost everything that I had, but I'm looking for myself
  •  And viburnum blooms on the ruins of my ancestors 

  •  And time seems to flow around, instead of floating
  •  And I tap the keyboard with my fingers, and the rain keeps falling
  •  My soul somewhere in Ukraine cries out: "where are you?"
  •  But I'll be back very soon, I'll pick you up 

  •  And I don't know what awaits me tomorrow
  •  It's like I'm alone here, but there's a crowd around me
  •  My soul is cut like a desk at school
  •  I can still hear how they prayed and chanted mantras 

  •  I understand that all these words are worthless
  •  If only I could influence it, I would compose a hundred songs
  •  All I want is for the people to go to sleep peacefully
  •  We will return home by road tomorrow 

  •  But we will not become slaves
  •  No executioner will execute us
  •  The only ones from north to south
  •  And from east to west 

  •  You wasted months
  •  We have been crucified for years
  •  We have been killed for centuries
  •  But we finally became stronger 

  •  And I will never forget the way home
  •  That took me to my friends and to school
  •  I will not forget the last time from Ukraine
  •  We drove it and now there are mines

Sadly this photograph is of Kiril Kostiuchenko's, the singer and composer of the song, home in Ukraine bombed and burnt out by the Russians

And below is Olga's super daughter in a shelter at the end of February 2022 

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