July 2024 - In Conversation with our Incoming Club President Chris Horler

Q. How long have you been a member of Rotary?

A. About 31 years

Q. You came to Northallerton Mowbray in 2021. Where were you before that?

A. Bedford. I was a member of the senior club there. It celebrated its 100th birthday last year

Q. What roles have you held in Rotary?

A. Almost all roles in the Club. I have never wanted to climb the greasy pole of higher office in the Rotary organisation.

Q. What do you like about Rotary?

A. Its ability of seeing another’s need in the community and supplying it, if  possible. Also, Rotary is a major contributor to many deserving bodies like Shelterbox and Aquabox, and has been the major reason why Polio is almost eradicated in the world.

Q. Can you share your favourite Rotary moment?

A. Being with my second daughter when she became a Rotarian

Q. What do you see as the challenges ahead for your club and Rotary?

A. Our Club, like Rotary generally, as well as other voluntary organisations in the western world, are all struggling to meet the world’s needs. Governments are  unable to stop wars, famines, disease and other problems, and charities are  also unable to provide enough comfort, especially at a time when western society is unable to meet its own needs. Despair is becoming the norm.

Q. What occupies your time when not involved in Rotary?

A. I am a member of several local groups, such as playing carpet bowls, French conversation classes, a volunteer at the Heritage Hub in Northallerton, as well as the usual litany of walking, reading, gardening and housework.

Q. If you could invite anyone past or present to dinner, who would that be?

A. I would invite E H Lightoller (Lights). He was born towards the end of the 19th Century and went to sea at the age of 14. After becoming a sailing master, he converted to steam. In his time, he had 3 ships sink under him (including SS Titanic), captained a RN ship to sink a German submarine, sailed his ship backwards for 24 hours to a repair yard to prevent it sinking after ramming another ship, sailed ‘a little ship’ to Dunkirk in 1940 to rescue 147 soldiers from the French shore; but who lost 2 sons in World War 2 (one in the air and one at sea).

 Q. If you could change one thing in the world, what would that be?

A. To get everyone to realise that Love is the greatest power in the world, bar none, but I think I will be waiting a long time for that to happen. I might have to be content in showing my nearest and dearest that we must all strive to understand the power Love has and that wherever possible, we must set good examples.

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Find out a bit more about our Club Members in our monthly feature


What the Club has been doing in the Rotary year starting 1st July 2024


What the Club did in the Rotary year starting 1st July 2023


What the Club did in the Rotary year that started on 1st July 2022


What the Club did in the Rotary year that started on 1st July 2021

Great British Spring Clean

What the Club did in the Rotary year ending 30th June 2021


News on how our Club dealt with the challenges of operating during this difficult period


Details of what the Club achieved in the Rotary year which ended on 30th June 2020.


Details of what we did in the Rotary Year starting 1st July 2018


Details of what we did in the Rotary Year starting 1st July 2017


Details of what we did in the Rotary Year starting 1st July 2016

Details of what we did in the Rotary Year starting 1st July 2015

Details of what we did in the Rotary Year starting 1st July 2015

Some highlights for the Rotary year that started on 1st July 2014

Some highlights for the Rotary year that started on 1st July 2014

In June 2014, the club organised a charity concert with the primary schools in Northallerton to raise funds for Shelterbox

A few highlights of our activities in Rotary year 2013-14


These pages give some idea of the things the Club has achieved in previous year's

If you are considering joining Rotary there is a lot of information on this site to tell you about what we do

Membership consists of men and women of all ages and professional backgrounds who use their talents, skills, and energy to improve the lives of people in communities at home and around the world.


Rotary's programmes for young people can change the lives of those who participate.


Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community. Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards.

A display of Indian Classical Dance was the highlight of our Indian Cultural Event

Read about our plans and achievements


The Rotary Foundation is Rotary's own charity


Rotary is about having fun - and we have lot's of events during the year aimed at doing just that!


A picture taken by Alan Miller won the "Transport" Class and was also the overall winner of the 2024 competition.


Shop with over 4,000 online retailers to raise money for our projects. During the Rotary year from July 2023 we will be using the funds raised to support Aquabox.
