Clevedon Garden Competition

Wed, May 20th 2020 at 12:00 am- Mon, Jun 15th 2020 - 9:00 am

We are looking to brighten our town, get people out in their gardens being creative and raise money for the Clevedon Cottage Hospital Minor Injuries unit.

Clevedon Yeo Rotary are looking to brighten our town, get people out in their gardens being creative and raise money for the Clevedon Cottage Hospital Minor Injuries unit.
They have been invaluable in the Lockdown by taking the pressure off the main hospitals, it is a facility which is an asset to the the town.
So...It's really simple
Go to our just giving page at:  

Donate a minimum of £5 and then send your details to our secretary at with your address. He will acknowledge your entry. Put in your email what category you are entering.
Judging will be in the week commencing 15th June and we hope to get a local gardening expert to assist us with this. This is to give you time to plan your displays and buy some more plants etc from our (now open) Garden Centres. The competition will hopefully provide a financial boost for them as well.
There are two categories
Firstly the classic garden and second the 'Fun' Garden where you have used your space (however small) to be creative and imaginative.
There will be a small prize in each category with the rest of the funds going to the aforementioned GREAT cause.
So get digging, planting, mowing and sowing and let's see how much we can raise whilst having a bit of fun in the process. Every garden entered will be visited by the judges obviously aware of social distancing protocols.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Throughout The World

Clevedon Yeo Rotary supporting the community

A selection from our Facebook page compiled by Steve Molloy and Amit Kerkar from 24th June

Tackling homelessness with Wrexham Glyndwr Rotary Club

UK Rotary Clubs in Action


A few snaps along the way
