Health & Safety/Protection

Protection and Health & Safety Issues

Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland
Compliance Statement – Clubs - 2020/21

The Constitution of Rotary GB&I (Article 5, Section D) provides that every club in the Area (Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) is bound in all things, not contrary to law, by the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association and shall observe the provisions thereof. Clubs are also bound by the general law of the jurisdiction within which that club is located.
Rotary GB&I does not seek to advise clubs on matters of general law but does try to help clubs to ensure that they comply with certain specific legal frameworks which are likely to apply to the regular activities of all or most clubs.

To that end, Rotary GB&I has produced the following documents:

General Data Protection Privacy Policy Notice
Equality and Diversity Policy (linked with the Dignity Policy)
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Safeguarding (Children) Policy
Safeguarding (Vulnerable Adults) Policy

and has invited clubs to read and adopt these documents at a Club Council meeting in advance of the 1st July 2020. Adherence to these documents should ensure that no club inadvertently finds itself in breach of these areas of general law.

Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland
Compliance Confirmation Form

On behalf of The Rotary Club of WASHINGTON FORGE it is confirmed that the Insurance Guidance document has been read and the current Rotary GB&I policies as listed below were adopted at our Club Zoom meeting held on Wednesday 10th June 2020

(i) General Data Protection Privacy Policy Notice
(ii) Equality and Diversity Policy (linked with the Dignity Policy)
(iii) Health and Safety Policy Statement
(iv) Safeguarding (Children) Policy
(v) Safeguarding (Vulnerable Adults) Policy 

Signed R.M.Monaghan 2020/21 President
Signed P.A.Hopps 2020/21 Secretary

Date 14th June 2020

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