Borderland Rotary
Borderland Rotary endeavour to help and give financial aid when needed.
Although international needs are considered, most beneficiaries are local.
Funds are raised in a variety of ways. Sometimes by organising major events which also give enjoyment to so many. More often it is by small events and occasions where every little bit helps. You could also help with a donation, which is collected for our Charity account by Just Giving.
The Charity Trustees account for distributing and receiving donations. They are not responsible for how donations are raised or how they are used by the beneficiaries.
Accounts are submitted to the Charity Commissioners, and distribution information is published here by a particular year (click or tap on the "Distribution Year" ).
Borderland-Charity-Distribution-Year--2023-24 £ 14,925
Borderland-Charity-Distribution-Year--2018-19 £ 18,169
more Beneficiaries from Charity funds
more Borderland Rotary raised funds to distribute £22,266
more Borderland Rotary Charity donations Total £15,750
more Charity giving exceeded £18,000
more Donation Received