Community Services 2023 - 24

On this page we will keep you informed about how we intend to support our local community..

Club members please log in for more information.

Related pages...

Community Services 2021 - 22

more This year we want to support local communities to move out of COVID restrictions .

Community Services 2020 -21

more Activities that the members of The Rotary Club of The Vale of Belvoir hope to initiate or be involved in during the coming year.

Community Services 2019 - 20

more on this page you can see what we did to help our local community

Community Services 2018 - 19

more Here's a summary of what we've done in our local community in 2018 -19

Community Services 2017 - 18

more This page details all of our Charitable donations throughout Adrian's Presidential Year

2016 - 17

more This page details how we spent our charitable funds in the local community

back to page above this...

Our Community Work over the years

back These pages will give a flavour as to what we have done in our local communities.