Thu, May 19th 2022 at 6:02 pm - 8:02 pm

Outside visit to Ropsley Heath Light Railway

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19th May2022 Ropsley Heath Light Railway, outside visit

We had a wonderful warm sunny evening for our first for a long time outside visit.  On this occasion to RHLR at Glebe Farm Ropsley, following Robert Holland’s talk at our Club on the 28th April. We managed an all-male turnout of 15 members, who were briefed by Robert on Health and safety issues for the site, covering the fact that when being towed by the Nimrod steam engine there could be soot and embers as well as the smoke.  We were also delighted to find that the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire is coming to officially open the site next Friday 27th, although still not open to the general public, just Robert’s hobby, but available to Rotary Clubs and any Charity organisations trying to raise funds. Naturally we were all very impressed by the immaculate presentation of the whole site and were able to observe from both directions with the Belvoir Castle Diesel engine pulling its carriages counter clockwise, but with safety always at the forefront with the ‘Token’ system they operate.  The all electric tram was also shown as well as the garden miniature circuit with ‘Shepherds Hut adjacent.

President Gordon formally thanked Robert for his generous invitation and we then retired to the Green Man Pub in the village for our evening meal, for which some of us were overawed by the size of the Yorkshire pudding which the Lincolnshire Sausage and mash were presented in.

All in all a most enjoyable evening with  another outside visit to Nottingham Industrial Museum to follow next week, just like buses, waiting for ever, then two come at once!!                     AR

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We have now successfully run this event for 10 years. Full reports of each year are available under this main page


If you like what we do as an organisation and are interested in volunteering with us, keeping up to date with our plans and future events then why not consider signing up as a friend of our Rotary Club


This is a monthly meeting open to visitors from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave and all villages in surrounding area.


This committee are involved in planning now we can raise funds for our chosen charities


It's here that you can read what we've been up to in the last few months. For more information on our work in the local community, with our young people and internationally please access "what we do" section of this web site.


And then there were two....


Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee


Our International Committee is involved with Polio Plus - a Rotary initiative to eradicate Polio, World-wide; Sand dams; Aqua Boxes; Shelter Boxes; Collecting used spectacles, and many other projects


Here you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...
