Rob Gray - Our Founder President, 1989 - 1991


1989 -1991 Rob Gray was the founder President of the Vale of Belvoir Rotary and including Rob there was a total of 24 Rotarians in the newly formed Club. Rob served for 18 months as President and it was significant that the theme pfor our first year as a Club was “Enjoy Rotary”. I think we still do… 

The founder members of the Club were: Denis Bacon, Bill Banner, Jas Bilkhu, Mike Cox, Neil Dexter, Derek Goodacre, John Gray, Bill Handbury, Stephen Hardy, Maurice Hill, Alan Jones, Alan Keen, Michael Morris, Chris Netherwood, Barry Newman, Clive Rees, Allen Richmond, Terry Salmon, John Spence, Geoff Sumner, Philip Taylor, Ian Torr, Mike Twells.


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Our First Decade - 1990 - 2000

back here's a summary of our Past Presidents and what happened in their years. Not a complete record as this was created retrospectively.