Our Fourth Decade, 2019 onwards

here's the summaries of our activities in the 4th Decade

Our Fourth Decade, 2019 onwards sub-pages:

2024 - 25 Gerry's year

more Brief details of events

2023 - 24 David’s year

more David was President of another club many years ago and we look forward to an enjoyable year with him at the helm.

2022-23 Rob’s year

more Our founder President has a second term “in charge” of the club.

2021 - 22 Gordon’s year

more Gordon is our second President to serve a second term and he will lead us, out of “lockdown” into “the new normal”.

2020 - 21 Derek's year

more We were unsure, with the Covid-19 pandemic, what this Rotary year would look like, but we held virtual meetings and did our best to adapt to the new challenges that we had to face.

2019 - 20 Jane & Maggie's Year

more This year we have a joint Presidency with Jane & Maggie

Related pages...

Denis Bacon - 2010

Our Third Decade 2010 - 2019

more 10 More Presidents - 2010 - 2019

Our Second Decade 2000 - 2009

more Ten more Presidents lead Vale of Belvoir Club

Our First Decade - 1990 - 2000

more here's a summary of our Past Presidents and what happened in their years. Not a complete record as this was created retrospectively.

back to page above this...

Our meetings over the years

back Here you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...