Weekly Meeting

Thu, Dec 31st 2020 at 8:45 pm - 10:15 pm

With the Covid restrictions it would be a good opportunity for a fellowship Evening, with Stan & his Team organising entertainment! Co-ordinating our virtual midnight celebration at 10pm with Cape Town, South Africa!

Club members please log in for more information.

31st December 2020 New Year’s Eve Zoom Meeting

Stan and Shirley, as “virtual hosts” welcomed us to the ‘extravaganza celebration’ at the end of a year of challenge, but looking positively forward to a better “vaccination year” in 2021.

They welcomed some guests to our meeting with Alan and Chris Howe, Brenda and Philip Straw, Brian and Linda Richards, as well as spouses of members.

We had received in advance electronic quizzes from David V and a Bingo Quiz from Pam, but first the cultural entertainment started with a new Covid poem from Pam Ayers, which was expressively presented by Jackie (of EBDG fame!)

Next to line up were Stan and Shirley acting (or hobbling in Shirley’s case) the comedy sketch of Mr Spigot (a one-legged Shirley) having applied for a role as ‘Tarzan’ and Stan had to explain why really, she wasn’t suitable!

Duncan, ably assisted by Penny had ’writ’ a Pantomime called ‘Pots and Pans’, starring Jackie (as Meg) being pursued romantically by the villain, Lord Stilton (David), but in the end being rescued by PC Dick Dangerfield (Rob). The presentation was full of typical corny pantomime script, but cleverly twisted so that “cooking related” terminology could be woven in; the object being to try and count the number of “cooking” terms used in the whole event. Duncan asked for guesses and the answers started in the mid 30’s, but ending at 45, so he then encouraged people to ‘higher scores’, but no one reached the final total at 63….but we’ll take Duncan’s word for it… personally I couldn’t count them as I was rolling about laughing at the well delivered humour!

David then went through his two quizzes: Local Heroes was won by Barry and Susan with 11 out of 12.  Then came the cryptic clue quiz on places in Nottinghamshire, which was shared by Steve and Jane with Allen on 10 out of 12(However, there had been a printing blooper where most of us received “German Alley”, rather than “German Valley”, which translates to Saxondale.)

Pam was next to put across her Bingo Quiz, which was well constructed with topical questions and you had the individual choice as to where in the matrix you placed your answer.  The winner was Brenda, managing to get the first vertical line from Pam’s random answers.

We were then entertained by what I believe was based on a Monty Python script about how tough life was in the good old days with Duncan, Rob, David and Stan attempting to beat the previous account, which started with living in a corridor and moving on to people who lived in a lake, a paper bag in a sceptic tank….working 20 hours a day and being thrashed by their father on returning to their dwelling, or I think sliced in two by father with a bread knife!!

On for more “alcoholic culture” with Jackie back centre stage outlining the recipe for a seasonal Gin…but tasting the contents from the bottle of gin used in the concoction too frequently “ to check the quality” became an issue in the end throwing the bowl away and swearing at her enthralled audience!

Clive and Rossy joined us about 9.40pm having been partaking in a ‘family zoom’ that over ran from 1 hour planned to 2.5 hrs!

The magic 10pm hour was approaching fast where we would be joining Cape Town to celebrate midnight (their time)…but NOT fast enough!   However, the multi-talented Duncan then gave us an accompanied rendition of “The Oldest Swinger in Town”. Still a gap remained before the magic hour and this time Duncan came up with “You never see a farmer on a bike”….reminding us of the Old time Music Hall programme.

We then had a digital countdown and everyone celebrated the Virtual New Year.

A great evening of fun and entertainment well planned by Stan and his team…..thanks from everyone!                                     AR

Stan TaylorContact Stan Taylor about this page:

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And then there were two....


We have now successfully run this event for 10 years. Full reports of each year are available under this main page


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This is a monthly meeting open to visitors from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave and all villages in surrounding area.


Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee


Our International Committee is involved with Polio Plus - a Rotary initiative to eradicate Polio, World-wide; Sand dams; Aqua Boxes; Shelter Boxes; Collecting used spectacles, and many other projects


Here you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...
