Club Assembly

Thu, Jun 11th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Zoom meeting

Club members please log in for more information.

  Incoming President Derek Goodacre welcomed all present to the Club Assembly Meeting. He particularly welcomed ADG Susan Pickworth. To night’s meeting is to outline the plans for the coming new Rotary Year, 2020-2021. He acknowledged all the hard work undertaken by Members in the past year, but he particularly praised the hard work and dedication shown by Maggie and Jane, to ensure the Club functioned in difficult times and.  He and Gordon were committed to work together, to ensure continuity of our Club and manage the transition to normal times. Our Committees were all committed to ensure that our efforts were directed to ensure to help those in need as a consequence of the pandemic.

 There are 38 Members in Club. It was not certain how many Members would be able to return given the Shielding issues.  Derek later confirmed that 25 Members were able to attend the zoom, but he regretted that that a number were unable to gain access.

It was confirmed that Trevor and Rob would act as joint Secretaries, for the new      Rotary year.

Fundraising. Presented by David Valentine.  Future fundraising posed difficulties, particularly the normal Santa Sleigh collections. He had approached Blue Diamond and it was suggested the Sleigh would be welcomed with a possible “paddling pool” to collect any donations.  It may be possible to locate the Sleigh at a collecting points in local communities, rather than the normal house to house.

International & Foundation.  Stan Taylor said his Committee had concluded that the bulk of any funds should be used for local Community purposes this year. The International and Foundation proposals were limited to ongoing commitments, namely Fish Tail (sponsoring two students), and natural disaster relief, such as Shelter or Aqua Box.

Community & Vocational. David Eldridge said that considerable funding had recently been given to local organizations to support their efforts in dealing with the effects of the pandemic. The Committee felt the direction of future funding should be to local organizations by “Helping the Helpers”.  He gave examples of Community kitchens in Cotgrave and at the Friary Centre for the Homeless. He confirmed that money was to be set-aside for the Memory Café.

Youth Service. In the absence of Chris Netherwood, Allen Richmond presented the report. The judging of the Children’s Art and Photography 2019/20 competition was cancelled, as there were few entries this year and the complications of the pandemic. Given the shortage of funds the focus would be on supporting Rotakids and the distribution of Dictionaries for Life would continue in the coming year.

Membership, Club Services & Programme. Mike Twells is looking after Club Welfare. At the start of the new Rotary Year we expect 38 members, 31 male and 7 female. Council agreed to continue with the four existing Honorary Members, namely Nigel Harrison, Steve Coult, Rob Gilbey, and Richard Tomlinson. If Members agreed they would continue as Honorary Members. 

Roy hopes to provide the programme, and he will continue to manage our Health and Safety responsibilities. Rob Gray’s Vision and Growth team hope to look at how our Club may grow. Possibly encourage residents from Newton and other communities to form a satellite club. We hope the Web site will be further developed with Mike, Allen, and Duncan. Gordon encouraged Members to send them information, news, press releases to strengthen and keep the website fresh. Maggie will take responsibility for Facebook, and Denis will continue to write press releases. The 31st Charter is planned for on Thursday 6th May 2021, and Gordon will liaise with the DG and the Nottinghamshire. Maggie reminded Gordon that the Nottinghamshire holds a £200 deposit. 
Treasurer’s Report
.  Anne confirmed that estimate of the carry forward in the Charity Account is £7838. This sum includes £650, that some Members had donated from their personal monies deposited for their meal costs. Anne reminded Members that their Membership fee is due on 1st July.
Assistant Governor’s Report
.  Susan was very pleased to hear of the positive           ideas we have outlined, despite the very difficult environment we are in. She looked forward to meeting us in the New Rotary year and was hopeful that 'Christmas would go ahead'!.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

And then there were two....


We have now successfully run this event for 10 years. Full reports of each year are available under this main page


If you like what we do as an organisation and are interested in volunteering with us, keeping up to date with our plans and future events then why not consider signing up as a friend of our Rotary Club


This is a monthly meeting open to visitors from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave and all villages in surrounding area.


This committee are involved in planning now we can raise funds for our chosen charities

Our Annual Christmas Santa Float activities

It's here that you can read what we've been up to in the last few months. For more information on our work in the local community, with our young people and internationally please access "what we do" section of this web site.


Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee


Our International Committee is involved with Polio Plus - a Rotary initiative to eradicate Polio, World-wide; Sand dams; Aqua Boxes; Shelter Boxes; Collecting used spectacles, and many other projects


Here you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...
