Community Services 2018 - 19

Here's a summary of what we've done in our local community in 2018 -19

On 12th July a cheque was presented to Graham Allen of the Belvoir Wassailers to provide much needed musical equipment for their programme of concerts, which raise funds for local charities. Graham explained that while the origins of the group were that members were drawn from those who worked on the estate of Belvoir Castle, now they have members drawn from many different villages and communities in the Vale, and they perform at a large number of concerts throughout the year, raising significant amounts of money for charity.

In October we made a donation to The Children's Hospital at QMC

As part of their ongoing commitment to support the local community, the Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club has donated just over one thousand pounds to the Children’s Hospital at the Queens Medical Centre. The money was donated specifically to the Children’s Renal Unit to fund the purchase of two Doppler type blood pressure testing machines.

As the nurse in charge explained:-

“Our unit treats babies and children from a very wide area who are suffering from renal problems. When a child undergoes blood dialysis it can be stressful, their blood pressure can rise very quickly, and  this can be dangerous. This equipment helps us to gauge changes in blood pressure very quickly and accurately thus helping us keep a better control of the situation.

We are very grateful to the Club for including us in their Community Service Programme”

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Community Services 2019 - 20

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Community Services 2017 - 18

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2016 - 17

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Our Community Work over the years

back These pages will give a flavour as to what we have done in our local communities.