Weekly Meeting

Thu, Jul 5th 2018 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Visit by new District Governor - Cheryle Berry

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5 July 2018   Be the Inspiration – District Governor Cheryle Berry MBE

Club were treated to a very balanced and inspiring presentation by the new District Governor Cheryle. She mentioned her visit to San Diego with 530 other Club Presidents with this year’s theme of “Be the Inspiration”.

She pondered the question: What would the World be without Rotary? In a much poorer situation, as it is human nature to expect “others” to do ‘things’…but they don’t!

Rotary has a legacy of Service, with 5 fundamental pillars: 1.Membership (both recruitment and retention)            2. Inspiring the next generation         3. Humanitarian Service         4. Raise the profile of Rotary 5. Say “Well done” via various awards

She talked a little about her own patch in Clay Cross, a challenged area, but one that she is very proud of (Those who have least often give the most generously) Personally she has worked with destitute children in India for the last 8 years and is currently trying to raise £17k for a building, equipment and training with District 3211 in Kerala.  She has run 15 London marathons and one in New York raising money and plans to do The Robin Hood half marathon in September to raise funds for Maggie’s Centre.  She has worked with St. John’s Ambulance for some years and has a project to put First Aiders on every street corner in collaboration with other organisations like paramedics with The Community Save a Life Scheme. It is in the process of being produced by The Virtual College, an on-line learning system, already with 3 million learners.  It’s due to be launched in October and will be a free app for the mobile phone and we were given a PowerPoint presentation indicating how the system worked with a Theory module, a game and an assessment.

She congratulated our Club with the first Rota Kids team to be formed within the District and requested that we promote her vision in The Community Save a Life Scheme.        AR


'What We Do' Main Pages:

This committee are involved in planning now we can raise funds for our chosen charities


It's here that you can read what we've been up to in the last few months. For more information on our work in the local community, with our young people and internationally please access "what we do" section of this web site.


And then there were two....


We have now successfully run this event for 10 years. Full reports of each year are available under this main page


If you like what we do as an organisation and are interested in volunteering with us, keeping up to date with our plans and future events then why not consider signing up as a friend of our Rotary Club


This is a monthly meeting open to visitors from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave and all villages in surrounding area.


Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee


Our International Committee is involved with Polio Plus - a Rotary initiative to eradicate Polio, World-wide; Sand dams; Aqua Boxes; Shelter Boxes; Collecting used spectacles, and many other projects


Here you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...
