Helping our community

Mounts Bay Rotary is committed to helping its local community whether by donations or by active service. We have been able to support dozens of local community groups and charities in the Penzance and West Cornwall area.

Gym Club

Community is at the heart of our service.

Community service projects help to improve the lives of people in our local communities, and encourages high ethical standards, honesty and integrity in everyday life.

Every Rotarian assumes a responsibility to find ways to improve the quality of life for those in their communities and to serve the public interest. Mounts Bay Rotary is involved in many community projects and initatives, often in partnership with local clubs and charities. 

Using funds raised by the Rotary Shop in Penzance, we have been able to support dozens of local community groups and charities in the Penzance and West Cornwall area with more than £150,000 raised. The shop is managed and run by volunteers, so we don't pay any expensive managers. We only sell donated goods, so we are great at recycling clothes and goods that people no longer need but that have a long life ahead of them with new owners!

Grants have recently been made to, amongst others

23 local schools - to assist young families suffering serious hardship

Pengarth Day Centre for the elderly

Fishermen's Mission

YMCA Cornwall

Cornwall People First

The Hope Project

Penzance Gym Club

Contact the elderly

50+ Forum

Penzance Flora Group

Newlyn Flora

Churches Together in Penzance Breakfast Project 

Mounts Bay School Breakfast Club

Cornwall Young Carers   

Penzance Gymnastics Club has over 500 members and provides classes for locals of all ages, ranging from toddlers to adults – even septuagenarians I was told!

The pandemic meant that the club was forced to curb its activities for a long period of time, and lost part of its premises as a result. However, the lifting of restrictions means that the club has been able to re-start its work. With the help of a local builder, they have created a custom-made foam pit (an important and popular piece of equipment).

We were delighted to help them with a cheque to fill the pit with purpose-built gym pit foam logs, manufactured to the highest specifications!

John James, Secretary

 The photo shows the foam pit from above.

Helping our community sub-pages:

Penzance Gym Club

more Supporting the amazing gymnasts of Penzance Gym Club by providing competition leotards.

Human Fruit Machine!

more We had a great time at the annual Morvah Pasty Fair and Mousehole Carnival– and the weather stayed dry! Our human fruit machine was a popular fundraiser. Our photo shows three lemons!

Blood Bikes

more The club was recently host to speakers John and Jayne Penlerick (father and daughter), from Cornwall Blood Bikes. They gave a fantastic insight into the varied and sometimes stressful work they do on behalf of all of us!

Helping young people who have been homeless or at risk

more The Rotary clubs of Mounts Bay and Penzance have supported the YMCA in helping young homeless and at risk people.

The Saturday Gang

more The Saturday Gang is a group of adults with learning difficulties, supported by volunteers, who have met every Saturday morning for the last 15 years. We are delighted to support them financially.

Mousehole Carnival

more Evie Wills wins top prize in the Rotary club of Mounts Bay Tombola Stall at the Mousehole Carnival.

Humphry Davy Interact Club

more What an amazing organisation Humphry Davy School Interact Club is! Through ongoing fundraising, including recent cake stalls and non-uniform days, the club has raised £500 to help victims of the war in Ukraine.


Penzance athlete aiming for gold

more Mount’s Bay Rotary has stepped in with a training grant to help Abi reach her potential in the Paris Paralympics in 2024

Mount’s Bay Rotary

more Policies (1 page below this)

Climate Change

more Facing up to climate change