Club & Community

Over many years Corby Phoenix has taken children with special needs to Wicksteed Park in Kettering for a day of enjoyment and absolute fun. And this year was no exception. In glorious sunshine, our kids and Rotarians alike had a great time

Kids Out : Once Again a Great Success

What a fantastic day at Wicksteed Park for 'Kids Out' when, together with many other Rotary clubs across the district, Corby Phoenix took a number of youngsters with special needs for a day of fun and frivolity. And who said it was "fantastic"? Why the 'kids' themselves.

 Our kids came from Corby's Studfall primary school and were picked up in the morning and returned in time for collection by parents. All the rides and attractions were tried with children, carers and Rotarians alike thoroughly enjoying themselves.

And SPECIAL THANKS to Linda & Jimmy Rodgers of Rodgers Coaches who have supported Corby Phoenix and 'Kids Out' for this and many previous years. Thanks from the hundreds of children over the years and the members of Corby Phoenix Rotary

Club & Community sub-pages:

District 1070 Ride 4 Rotary

more Rotary motorcyclists take to the road!

S few of the dancers

more Grand Charity Dance in aid of the Stop Polio campaign by Rotary worldwide (1 page below this)

Part of the litter picking 'crew'

Sponsored Litter Pick at Rockingham Castle Estate

more Members of the club plus two of the from Corby Phoenix Friends group litter picked to raise money for a community project