Don’t Forget the Small Projects

A tale of support for a local primary school

Men at Work!

In Rotary we all love the big projects. Building schools in deprived areas of the world, converting a couple of thousand pounds into many thousands through the Rotary Grants system, the continuing fight against the health blight they call Polio, or feeding starving communities. They are all very worthwhile and result in personal satisfaction to the Clubs and members that action these beneficial projects.But don’t forget the small local project that can be of major benefit to the folk involved, particularly to children who have their whole lives ahead of them. 

During the Rotary Year 2024-25 the Rotary Club of Northampton Becket, known usually as “Rotary Becket” took on the responsibility to renovate the outdoor pay area used by the 1st year pupils of the Rectory Farm Primary School in Northampton. 1st years are small and very young children. Opportunities and habits realised in these early years can be significant and form the basis of long-time behaviours.

The project was carried out by members of the Community and Youth Services Committee assisted by the Environmental Group and consisted of:

o   Some light tree pruning

o   Tidying up a previously ignored play area

o   Painting all the wooden fencing

o   Re roofing the play shelter

o   Building three new raised growing beds


The completion took two Saturday mornings for a party of 7 volunteers plus a lot of additional time by two members committed to the re-roofing part of the operation. It could not be described as hard or expensive and once completed showed a major improvement in the whole area that is popular with both school staff and children.


Compared to vaccinating say a thousand children it looks like a small project. But it has created opportunities including covered play during poor weather, the opportunity to grow food plants that can be eaten and the opportunity for more exercise which in a national community where obesity is a problem is of value.


We cannot know what the direct outcome of these benefits will be. However, it is only if we embrace the opportunity for small projects that the possibility exists. So please always look at the possibility as small expenditures, little effort and young beneficiaries may result in a long term good.

It wa lovely to receive a card of thant from the pupils of Rectory Farm School in December.

Contact our Community Chair, Jane Simpson for more details.

Jane SimpsonContact Jane Simpson about this page:

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Men at Work!

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