The Big Bang Bash - last night at Lady Anne's Hotel

Mon, Mar 29th 2010 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

A celebration of 23 happy years of Monday nights at the Lady Anne Hotel

Geoff Hastings, Rotary Member and Manager of the Lady Anne's Hotel, our meeting place since the club's inception, is retiring. Tonight was "The Big Bang Bash" / "The Last Supper" to celebrate over 20years of meetings. Geoff and his staff put on a fine meal for members and their partners and we were reminded of the first meeting of the interim club on 22nd February 1988. 16 of the current members were in attendance and most remembered!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Geoff Hastings celebrates his handover to Steve Allan, together with his 80th birthday!


Stamford Burghley Rotarians are a convivial collection of folk from all walks of life dedicated to having fun and, at the same time, helping people. Contact the Club for Monday night venue information.
