The final Business Meeting of 2024 was a very busy and exciting one indeed!
With both the District Governor and Assistant District Governor in attendance the Club celebrated the rare award of a Paul Harris Fellowship to a non-Rotarian and the induction of two new members. What a fabulous way to end 2024!
Susan and Martin Poole, although husband and wife, have each joined Rotary in their own right and bring individual skill sets and interests to the Club. So much so, their paths would probably never have crossed had they met later in life but happily for them (and us!) they have known each other since helping set up a youth club when just 16 … merely a few years ago.
Susan is the academic half of what is clearly a wonderful partnership. Holding 5 degrees and a doctorate in Archaeology, her community work has included being Chairman of school governors and assisting with both disabled and visually impaired charities. A practising artist herself, Susan has just been appointed President of the Society of Graphic Fine Art, an international art society.
Martin, her polar opposite, joins us with a degree in engineering from Cambridge and a career in Chartered Accountancy and as finance director of a listed commercial property company bringing an altogether different perspective. Culture and commerce, hand in hand.
Outside Rotary the couple share common interests of sailing, horse riding and their 21 animals!
We have yet to met them all …
Between them, Susan and Martin will undoubtedly be hugely valued and valuable members of the Club and we welcome them most warmly.
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Many thanks to all those who donated towards the ShelterBox collection for Moroccan Earthquake and Libyan Floods. £392.13 was collected and the Club voted to increase the donation to £600. ShelterBox are currently assessing the countries needs.
moreThese principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world.
moreSupporting the local community in practical ways as well as providing financial support to community groups and projects.
moreIn aid of Prostate Cancer UK
moreChristmas Float
moremeaning of Club Council