Rotary Community Grant

We offer grants of up to £250 for local community projects

The Kingsbridge Estuary Rotary Community Grant provides financial assistance to local schools, clubs, organisations and good causes to help finance equipment and activities.

Grants are subject to the following Terms and Conditions: 

  1. Grants of up to £250 will be awarded periodically and awards are entirely at the discretion of the Club. The programme may be withdrawn at any time by the Club without notice.
  2. Applications are to be made online using the Application Form below and no other way.
  3. Applicants need to be active organisations, providing educational, recreational, or supporting services. Evidence of activities may be requested.
  4. The grant must satisfy a genuine financial need, be for the use of the organisation and provide a clear benefit in pursuing its stated objectives.
  5. Applications will be judged by a panel of Club members, whose decision is final. The judges will examine all applications received, and award grants to applications which they consider to have best merit. Regrettably on this basis some applications will not be successful in getting a grant.
  6. The grant payable is up to £250, dependent on need and supported by the information requested in the Application Form.
  7. As Rotary International is a non-religious and non-political organisation, funding applications which promote religious or political activities cannot be considered.
  8. The activity of the applying organisation must be in one or more of these parishes: Aveton Gifford, Buckland Tout Saints, Charleton, Chivelstone , Churchstow, East Allington, East Portlemouth, Frogmore and Sherford, Kingsbridge, Loddiswell, Malborough, South Huish, South Milton, South Pool, Slapton, Stokenham, Thurlestone, West Alvington, Woodleigh.
  9. The applicant, if successful, agrees to take part in any future publicity relating to the grant.

We look forward to receiving your grant application. 

Rotary Community Grant sub-pages:

Peter Bromfield (Kingsbridge Estuary Rotary Club) presenting the June 2024 Community grant to Kevin Broom KM United Youth FC and some of the Under14 girls team.

Community Grant for KM United FC

more £250 for the youth teams of this local football club

The Dads Network holding the cheque, with some of the dads and their children on their summer camp which the grant helped fund.

Community Grant for Dads Network

more £250 will help local dads bond with each other and their children at a summer camp

Rtn Gareth Scott presnts cheuqe to Adam Sherring of Kingsbridge Skatepark

Community Grant for Kingsbridge Skatepark

more Rtn Gareth Scott presents Adam Sherring with a cheque for £250 towards this worthwhile project

Rtn Gareth Scott with Vicky Smith and members of 2nd Kingsbridge Guides and Rangers

Community Grant for Kingsbridge Guides

more 2nd Kingsbridge Guides and Rangers get £250 to replace waterproof clothing

presentation of cheque to Tim Greenwood of 6th Kingsbridge Beaver Group

Community grant for Kingsbridge Beaver Group

more They get £250 towards their flower and vegetable garden project

£250 for Kingsbridge Primary School

more The Club helps fund classroom document projectors

Community grant to Kingsbridge Gym Club

more Kingsbridge Estuary Rotary Club awards £250 to Kingsbridge Gym Club towards the purchase of a new spring board

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Community Service / Vocational

back Supporting the local community in practical ways as well as providing financial support to community groups and projects.