Sourcing warm winter clothing for Ukraine

In November 2022 we were asked by Rotarians in Ukraine to help by providing warm winter clothing to help them through a winter without the usual facilities....

...and with the help of the amazing people of Oxted, Hurst Green, Limpsfield and surroundings we did our best.

Morrisons allowed us to place collection points in their busy entrance (alongside other deserving causes including Foodbanks and Pyjamas for Children) and we arranged to empty them occasionally - no, actually we had to empty them three or four times a day!  We were permitted to use a local hall and we set up stations for tops, trousers, coats, shoes and boots, socks, scarves, hats, bedding, sleeping bags and children's clothing and sorted and catalogued into large sturdy black sacks - 275 of them by the time we had finished at the end of November.

Our bags went off to central (to our District) storage points.  By the time they were collcted in mid-December by a Polish haulage company, who took all the donations at minimal cost to the Poland/Ukraine border, there were enough bags to fill three 40ft articulated trucks. From the border close to Lviv Ukrainian Rotarians are handling the distribution to their fellow citizens.

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Rotary Supporting Ukraine

back Peace is a cornerstone of our global mission. We stand with the people of Ukraine. Help us support the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

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